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Discussion paper- Dallas Buyers Club

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Josh Duncan
25 October 2022
Discussion paper: Dallas buyers’ Club
Dallas buyers’ club is a classic movie, I’ve watched it many times and have been waiting this week since day 1 to be able to watch it again. This movie puts a great aspect on the viewers about how and what entrepreneurs face daily with rules and regulations, which is very interesting to me. A part of the movie that was interesting was how the whole time he is trying to convince his treatment works and there’s doesn’t, and nobody ever believes him or gives him a chance but at the end of the movie, it tells us that the medicine he used was later accepted and is used in today’s world. It is interesting because it makes you think if it was accepted earlier how many lives would it have saved and how successful Ron could’ve become on his treatment in the US.
How this movie related to the class was how we talked about rules and regulations in chapter seven and in the Keith smith Podcast. The podcast related a lot to how this movie was about how Keith didn’t like any of the other healthcare and how they operated so he went and did his own thing for a cheaper cost. Keith became a public enemy of other hospitals and doctors because he was stealing their business. The same thing happened in this movie when Ron found a medicine that helped his HIV instead of the one doctors were prescribing to patients. Once he got enough supplies to sell, he got patients from hospitals to use his medicines to treat aids. He, therefore, becomes the enemy to hospitals and the FDA because he wasn’t accepted or “safe”, So they come after him to stop him. Showing how rules and regulations stop many people from joining certain fields unless they can find a way around them like Keith. This also would fall into the category of creative destruction because Ron created and new business/medicine to destroy the old medicine and doctors selling it. It may have not become an instant success, but it did say they later accepted the medicine and use it now to help treat HIV. Which therefore got rid of the one they were using that was unsuccessful.
This movie also shows how as an entrepreneur in this world it is quite difficult to start up a certain practice or business because of the rules and regulations the government and society have on them. Just like in the movie the doctor from Mexico opened his own practice in Mexico because of the regulations and he couldn’t sell the medicine for the cure for aids, and he was becoming successful down there because they didn’t have no rules. This movie also shows how as an entrepreneur how you must think and try and find cracks and gaps in the rules and regulations to be able to get past the government and create a new successful business or product that has in the past kept other people from doing it.