The Fountainhead Discussion paper

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The Fountainhead
This movie is an interesting one and very slow start, what happens in this movie is a young architect gets shut down by people and his professors saying he can’t be an architect and to stop doing it. Then Howard Roark finally gets an offer to design a building but he ends up saying no because they want to tweak his design a little so the people would like it and he doesn’t like it, so he says no ill go be a day worker and that’s what he does. It truly is a remarkable entrepreneurial move Howard pulls there telling them no and finding something else to do. After a while Howard finally gets a chance to build a building his way after it was built nobody likes it and everybody starts using the “bigger and better architects”. Then finally a guy named Gail Wynand sees all of Howards work and loves it and hires him to build things for him but nothing ever gets built because of all of these things that keep popping up. Then he is asked to build this housing apartments but wants to have nothing to do with it so they come to an agreement of Roark’s name nowhere on the project and nothing gets changed but after finding out something got changed they soon plotted to blow it all up and he takes the blame. After arguing and fighting his way out of going to jail he gets pleaded not guilty and Gail gives him the opportunity to build the tallest building in New York and name it after Gail.
What was interesting in this movie was all the battle as an entrepreneur Howard had to go through. It also was because you could also have a case where you could say he was a bad entrepreneur because he was so strict on how he wanted things and how he wouldn’t form to his market to help improve his business and instead be hardheaded and say his way or the highway because he didn’t want to give the consumers what they wanted. However, it’s interesting that you could also say that he was a very good entrepreneur depending on how you look at it. He was a good one because he created a niche in the market for his designs and having no faith in the other architects and taking a gamble for his way or doing things. Which ended up paying out because by the end he was creating the tallest skyscraper his way where everyone would see it.
This movie related a lot towards the class and entrepreneurship because it shows all the battles of becoming and going through the process of an entrepreneur. After being told he couldn’t become an architect, nobody liking any of his work, and having all the bigger architects after him and his business he finds a way to get around them and be successful. Which is what you have to do with an entrepreneurial mind is find a solution to everything to get the outcome you like and the people like. It also shows how the field you join the bigger guys and markets are going to come after you and shut you down, so you don’t steal your business and to also know your rules and regulations prior to picking your battles with whom.

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