Wall Street

This movie was about a junior stockbroker named Bud Fox. Fox wants to work his way to the top so he can work with his hero Gordan Gekko, who is known as a Wall Street player. While Fox is taking calls from investors, he receives a call regarding a client that want to cancel his deal with Fox and now Fox has to pay the $7,000 that was part of the deal. On Gekko’s birthday, Fox brings him a gift and surprisingly gets an interview with him. Since Gekko was not impressed with this interview, Fox decided to tell him about how the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) stripped the Bluestar of responsibility for a major incident that happened. Gekko becomes intrigued and begins working on Bluestar. While Fox and Gekko are working together, Fox is not giving Gekko what he wants. Gekko wants confidential information that he can use. While Fox is out looking for this type of information, he comes across Sir Lawrence Wildman, who is a British corporate raider, and how Wildman wants to take over a major steel company. Fox tells Gekko and Gekko tells the press. After a run in with Wildman, Gekko and him agree on the shares being sold back to Wildman at a larger price. Fox continues to rise in the company and has also included his friend, Roger, who is a lawyer in this “secret” job of his until the SEC begins to watch him. Fox wants to buy Bluestar and expand it. He later finds out that Gekko had other plans which were to sell Bluestar’s assents and leave everyone unemployed. Fox does not want to lose Bluestar, so he goes to Gekko’s enemy, Wildman, and ask him to buy Bluestar, and he agrees. Gekko finds out about Fox and Wildman working together, and tips the SEC off about Fox. Fox is then arrested. Gekko and Fox meet later and Gekko confronts Fox and tells him all about the illegal activity that he has been doing, not knowing that Fox was wired. I figure that Fox and Gekko go to jail for all the crime they have committed.
How this movie was interesting was because it showed what lengths a person is willing to go to get to the top. I think that this is a great representation of how business men and women are consumed by becoming the best and doing whatever they can to be there. Looking at this movie in the entrepreneurial perspective, you can see how Fox wants to show the employees of Bluestar that he can and will do better for the company. This shows that mistakes were made, but he made sure that the people were happy.
The interaction between entrepreneurship and society in this movie is based on business and customer interaction. Looking from Fox’s eyes, having the support of the employees of the Bluestar helped him understand what business was really like. In class, we talk about how value is pretty much greater than anything when it comes to entrepreneurship. Fox values the work he does and the time he spends with Gekko. Even though Gekko got Fox to do illegal things, it still made him successful. This aspect of entrepreneurship affects society by still providing jobs for them. All Fox wanted to do was have the people that worked for Bluestar have job with the best opportunity and stockholders. Even when Gekko was not trusted to take over Bluestar, Fox found another way to get hem help. How the society helped this type of entrepreneurship is by supporting the way the actions took place. There were a lot of people that wanted to help Fox and even took part in the illegal activity. Society helped the entrepreneur chase his dreams. The interaction between this aspect of entrepreneurship and the society seems pretty professional in my eyes. This meaning that when it came to helping and supporting the entrepreneur, they were calm and collected. In this movie, the entrepreneur and the society worked well together even though majority of the actions that took place were illegal.

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