Tucker a man and his dream

This movie is about an entrepreneur that goes by the name of Preston Tucker, that brings his idea and/or innovation of a car that he has designed. This design had everything you could imagine when thinking about a car. This design got people really excited to buy this vehicle and that made Tucker really happy. Sadly, this was not beneficial. A big automotive company put a stop to the production of the cars. There were less than one hundred cars ever made. Tucker had a plan and everything to keep business going and many people that thought this idea was great invested in it. People believed that Tucker’s innovation could have taken off if it wasn’t for the senator.
I found this movie interesting because when you hear or watch something about a new innovation, it usually is about the people not liking the idea and that is what causes it to not even become a reality. This movie showed that people can love ideas that have a hard time making it in the market. This is what really makes entrepreneurs. This whole movie was about this one entrepreneur that came up with something and the people loved it, just not the industry. Honestly, I think that is what makes being an entrepreneur so hard. Yes, the people not wanting to support you is hard, but when you have the whole industry thinking that the idea is insane can ruin you.
The interaction between entrepreneurship and society in the movie I would say is pretty good. This is because that since the people believed that the innovation was a great idea, it made them trust the entrepreneur. In class, we discussed that entrepreneurs create something that other people value. The focus with that phrase is “other people value”. When saying this, you are not giving you value to the idea. No matter what you will think your idea is great but having people that you don’t know think it is great is the best way to get you innovation out there. This movie shows the affects that entrepreneurship has on society by having a great idea and sharing it with the people. Tucker was never afraid so show what he designed to anyone, in fact, he was proud. The entrepreneur being confident that his innovation is a success also helps drive the amount of people and sales to that product. On the other hand, how society helps supports entrepreneurs is sharing the idea with others. In this movie, since Tucker had an affect on many people they went and shared it with their friends and family. This also causes other businesses to look at the innovation and leads to them investing in the product that is presented. Overall, this movie does a great job at showing how much each party, entrepreneurs and the society, affect each other. The interaction between them in this movie shows that not having people that value a product or idea can lead to failure, but in some cases success. The design Tucker came up with drew the attention of the people but not the industry, which can happen sometimes. This shows that you have to be willing to play your cards right and well when it comes to being an entrepreneur.

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