The Founder

This movie was about a gentleman, Ray Kroc, that wants to sell his milkshake machines. Originally, it does not go as planned since he has not sold a single one, but one day he gets a call. This call is from a now fast-food chain called McDonalds. They wanted to order eight of the machines for their restaurant. Ray had to go down to the business to see for himself because he could not believe that he sold this many to one company. Ray meets the owners of McDonalds and says that they should franchise the fast-food place. The brothers are weary about it and Ray just keeps pushing on. They later agreed to franchise McDonalds, and this make Ray open more as the years go on. The got a partnership with Coca-Cola, but later run into money issues because of all the franchising. In the end the brothers did not get McDonalds, but their own restaurant that later failed. Ray lived happily with his wife, no longer in debt, and created his own business which was McDonalds.
What I found interesting about this movie is that it was more about expanding a business than creating one. Ray had a milkshake machine that could help other businesses, but later came to create his own. You typically do not hear a lot about expansion in a business in the entrepreneurship world. It is always about creating an idea and going from there. He used his idea to create something different. Another part of the movie that I found interesting was that he always found a way to keep something going. He made sure he did not go broke and have his wife upset with him. Even though he did not really have a plan, he always found a way out of the troubles. These two parts of the movie I thought were interesting because you do not hear about them enough in the business world. Yes, depending on your business, it could be a big factor for everyone to know, but typically the customers do not know about this stuff. Businesses try to keep everything a secret until it gets too big and has to be known. It can be pretty crazy how some business cover things up.
The interaction between entrepreneurship and society was a little hard for me to find in this movie. There is the fact that McDonalds is a worldwide fast- food chain so people must really enjoy it, but why? In the movie, it said that McDonalds was “all-American”. I am not sure what they meant by it in the movie, but I can tell you what I understand of it. All American to me I think of big and famous, and that is exactly what McDonalds is. Looking at the perspective of the movie, you can see that this fast food meant a lot to the people due to it being all American. Looking at the perspective of the business side and the people side are completely different. This aspect of entrepreneurship affects society by giving them hop for something that could possibly be taken away. People do not know all the information when it comes to a business unless they ask, and a lot of people do not do that when it comes to fast food. This shows society false hope in a business if all the steps are not taken correctly. How society affects entrepreneurship in this movie is by giving the business hope that it will succeed. It is vise versa to the previous question which is why it is so hard. You need both the entrepreneur and the society to work together to have a successful business. Overall, I would say that the interaction is kind of a failure. Yes, the business succeeded in the future, but it took the right business plan and the right approach to get the job done. A business needs customers and customers need a place of enjoyment they can tell people about.

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