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Discussion Paper 4 - “Founder”

The movie “Founder” is about one of the most outstanding Entrepreneurial achievements in history that revolutionized the fast food industry. Richard and Maurice McDonald are the masterminds behind the Idea of a quick and efficient way to produce a quality meal for people on the go. Back then the drive-in theme had a multitude of flaws. It was way too slow, attracted the wrong crowd, and wasn't very efficient overall. The McDonald brothers changed this by creating the first modern Idea of a fast food chain that changed the fast food industry forever.
The McDonald brothers designed a kitchen for their restaurant that would allow their employees to make food more efficiently. Their design was extremely successful and made the burger-making process thirty seconds long from grill to counter. Their idea was recognized by Ray Kroc and that's when Ray’s relentless pursuit to franchise McDonald's began. The McDonald Brothers' main fear about franchising was quality control. I find it interesting how a great idea can be misconstrued and turned around the more people that invest in it. People can get so conditioned to the norm that they become blind to better options. For example, when Ray rushed into opening multiple franchises with multiple investors. Not all of the investors held their restaurants up to a high standard and each restaurant inevitably went back to the traditional norm of how society viewed a drive-in restaurant back then. I find this interesting because it proves that to be successful you have to create something your customers value and that new inst always good people can be scared of change. Unfortunately, quality control was not upheld in the franchised McDonald Restaurants making the McDonald brother's fear a reality. They didn’t know this wouldn’t be the worst to come. Ray turned into a nightmare constantly wanting to make changes to the business and pushing for Ideas the McDonald brothers just couldn't agree with. Ray ended up taking control of the entire business and McDonald's name by literally buying the land out from underneath them leading to Ray's multi-million-dollar success because of someone else's thirty-year overnight success.
This aspect of Entrepreneurship affected society by revolutionizing fast food in America. It created the idea that waiting for food didn't have to be a given and that drive-in restaurants can be a family-friendly environment you can take your kids to. This was a hard concept for society to grasp at first and what almost a failure just because it was so far-fetched to some people, but once it caught on, it caught on fast. Society began to see McDonald's as a friendly place they could go to and grab dinner with their family. Ray gives all the credit to the name of the restaurant “McDonalds” because people can associate that name with America, success, and hospitality. People caught onto McDonald's trend and it has become the most heard of, most vast fast food chain in the world. The McDonald's system was adopted by fast food chains throughout the nation and will remain a successful business model for years to come.untitled.gif