Discussion Paper 3 - “Tucker: The Man and His Dream”

Tucker truly is a man with a dream. He has an incredible entrepreneurial mentality and a great passion for what he does. In the movie, he displayed a relentless mentality to accomplish his goals and chased his dream like so many people are scared to do. Tucker proves in the movie that not only can he snap his fingers and pull a company out of thin air, but that a huge part of business and the success of a company depends on how good you are at selling yourself. Tucker proves people are willing to buy the idealism of a product and what the man behind it stands for. Tucker displays an amazing aspect of entrepreneurship in the movie and believes in America and the American dream with all his heart.
Tucker’s a man with infamous dreams and a passion for innovation. Innovation that he thinks can benefit the world in so many ways. Tuckers' pursuit to build the car of the future was in fact entrepreneurship. He was able to create a business from an idea that he was able to make value for the customers. This includes selling shares and cars all without a tangible product. This did in fact get him in trouble and almost sentenced to years in prison. He used innovation tactics and advertising to get the public on his side because he knew there is power in numbers and the more people he had interested in the car the easier it would be to get investors to invest.
Tucker's Entrepreneurial process was very interesting he was able to sell his idea of the car without even having a tangible product. It’s amazing what people will buy if they find value in the product they’re buying or the person they’re buying it from. Tucker got this idea from a ad in the magazine for a house that people can buy that hasn't been built yet. He figured he would apply that same concept to cars unfortunately it didn't go the way he planned. Tucker ended up going on trial for fraud and faced a substantial amount of time in prison if proven guilty. He was able to save himself from prosecution using the Tucker charm and once again proved to the entrepreneur it’s important to be able to sell yourself.
His ideas were well before their time and society didn't respond in the most acceptable way. He was met with a lot of backlash from politicians and even people interested in buying the cars. He was able to sell the idea of the car to people perfectly fine but he struggled when it came to actually supplying the product which people didn’t take too kindly to. This being said people loved Tucker's image. They loved that he was a family man and truly seemed to have a heart for the American people and the American dream. He was able to win the people over by advertising his car to be the safest fastest family car on the market and promised features people had never heard of at the time. Again this was all very popular with his customers until they came to the conclusion that he couldn't produce.
Tucker is the epitome of the American entrepreneur. He puts into perspective what America’s all about and proves that anything is possible with the right mentality. Tucker's inspiring story captures what being an entrepreneur's all about and inspires us to take risks and chase our dreams.untitled.gif

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