Joy Discussion Paper

Davis Mohn
Joy starts by marrying a guy who’s a wannabe Tom Jones but, ends up getting divorced. Joy is a normal housewife that cooks and cleans for her extended family. Her mother lies in bed all day and does absolutely nothing. The only thing she does is watch soap operas. Joys father comes to the house one day looking for a place to stay and as soon as he comes in the house, he starts breaking things and making a ruckus. He ends up staying in the basement with joys ex-husband who he desperately hates. One day, joy ask to use her daughters’ crayons so she can draw her mop idea. She tries to start up a small business but miserably fails. Her ex-husband tells a friend of his (Neil Walker) to bring Joy in to look at her product. Neil ends up giving Joy a shot to go on television to promote her product and ends up selling a good number of sales. Joy becomes the boss of a multi-million-dollar company. This movie strongly presents the idea of entrepreneurship, about how they promote their business, patents, and how to never give up even if you’ve failed countless of times. Also, how blood relatives try to sabotage and take everything away from you just because you’re succeeding in life.
This movie was very interesting because it really shows you how reality is, and how to handle adversity. Joy failed multiple times but got back up every time. This really showed how tough and brave Joy was. I like how joy made a mop that was very simple and efficient. It was absorbent enough for large spills, great manufacturing and would not fall apart after a few uses, and very easy to wring out. The best part about it is the fact that you can throw it in a washing machine, and it will come out just as new as the first time you bought it. When Todd tried selling Joys product, he froze up and did a horrible job. I think the message here was nobody can sell it better than you. You are the best salesperson for your own product and that’s what Joy did. People were trying to make her wear different clothes, but she stuck with being herself and it ended up being way better in the long run.
Joys business idea made the society around her very hectic. Having loved ones turn on her just because she was becoming successful. Also forcing people to make her product look and function horribly. Neil Walker made Todd freeze up on television just so people wouldn’t buy it. Joys manufacturing factory was in California and those people tried stealing her idea even though it was patent. Becoming a successful entrepreneur really shows you who’s with you and who’s not at your lowest point. This aspect of entrepreneurship develops new markets by introducing new and improved products, technology, and services. At the same time though, entrepreneurs face a substantial risk of financial failure, and the cost are sometimes born by taxpayers. If your idea does work out then you could end up going bankruptcy, almost like Joy when she had to sign the bankruptcy papers. No one really says this, but entrepreneurship can lead to mental and health issues. In the movie Joy was losing her mind in the beginning because she was failing at everything. A fact states that “Entrepreneurs reported experiencing more depression (30%), ADHD (29%), Substance use (12%), and bipolar disorder (11%) than comparison participants.” In this movie’s society, they encouraged innovations and novelties unlike some society’s where they do not tolerate change. Our society in which we live in today’s world is the exact same in the movie, cruel and unfair. One of Joys dad’s business partners said, “business if unfair”. That is a fact. Nothing in this world is fair. The role of society in entrepreneurship is massive. It can improve living standards and create wealth for you and others around you. I had a landscaping business back home in high school and it created a good amount of wealth for me and my friends that I hired to work with me. The interaction between Joys innovation and our society is very similar. Business is a game. Everyone around you is competing against you. I had multiple landscape companies back home that were competing against me. An entrepreneur needs the society to purchase whatever goods or services they offer for them to survive. The society gives raw materials that is needed by entrepreneurs. Joy needs the manufacturing factory to produce her goods so she can sell her product.
In class we talked about value<price<cost. This movie really shows that because you only have to buy the mop one time, its not expensive, and it doesn’t cost that much to produce because its mostly made out of plastic. This suits that statement down to a tee. Nothing else matters if it’s not valuable to the customers. Spending $20 on a mop is a pretty good deal if you don’t have to buy any more. Also having a clear set of values helps tremendously because that’s how you make profit. It also helps your employees because it shows them what your goals are. Having better working employees means more products being sold which means more profit! I can vouch for this because back home with my landscaping company (Panther Mulch) I would hire my best friends to help work with me but sometimes they weren’t always doing there best so hiring the right employees is a huge factor when it comes down to how much money you want to make. I mulched the front of my community’s chick-fil-a a couple years back and I hired the hardest and smartest workers I could fine because one time I hired one of my good friends to help with a small job and it ended up taking way longer than it should just because I didn’t hire the right person.

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