Discussion Post: Wall Street

The aspect that stuck out to me the most while watching "Wall Street" was how consumers are so important to the business world. Without consumers, there is no purpose for producers. I understand that this movie was generally focused on the topic of greed, however, the aspect that interested me the most was how evident it was throughout the whole movie that consumers have almost more power than the producers do. This movie is about a man named Bud that starts just trying to survive a humble life in New York City when he finds out there is a way for him to become very successful very fast. He becomes caught up in greed toward the middle of the movie and realizes how much he has changed and starts to forget who he really is. The aspect of the importance of consumers in this movie is interesting t me because it is not the main focus but throughout the whole film it is constantly a part of it behind the scenes. There are multiple instances in the movie that mention how the public is in control of businesses and companies. Normally, when thinking about where an owner of a business and a consumer stand against each other, most people assume the owner has more power than the consumer. It is clear that this is not the case. The aspect of consumers having more control affects society in a positive way because that is how a business runs. Without the value of the consumers, there would be nothing for the producers to create and sell. There would be no purpose for entrepreneurs to create, come up with, or innovate any new products. "You own the company" (1:16:30). Gekko said this while speaking to the audience. This quote made me think about how much control the consumers have over the producers, company owners, and entrepreneurs. In class, we have discussed how the market could and would not exist without consumers. This was an evident theme throughout Professor Bylund's book "The Seen, The Unseen, and The Unrealized". The small society in his book is built off of what they all value. Each one of them produces and sells something that the others might want. That is the only way business works. It is how business strives and continues to grow. Something we discussed in class was how every one of us is a consumer. I thought that was interesting and it goes along with what I chose to write about for this post, as well. It may seem like the producers are the ones with all the power when really the producers are making what the consumers are wanting. The producers are trying to please the consumers rather than the other way around. It made me realize how important it is for entrepreneurs to listen to the public and create products that will please them and that they will value. It all depends on what the public wants. Without consumers, there is no need or purpose for producers.

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