Poverty, Inc.

This documentary discovers human innovation, subsidies, poverty, politics, and perception. It touched on a lot of different concepts that may have originally been difficult to understand. My main focus is of the overall perception.

The Interesting Aspect of the Movie:

Throughout the documentary, it is made clear that there are many ways the people perceive the world in which they live. We originally know that charity is made to do good things for other people, help unite our community, and embrace the kindness of our heart. What many of us fail to realize is that charity is also a selfish act because we rely on it to base how it makes us feel. Most people give to charity because it makes them feel good, and not because they are actually making a positive difference. In some cases, the charity is actually negatively impacting those specific areas. Subsidized rice was being transported from the U.S. to Haiti and that actually made the community lazy and rely heavily on the product. This caused that entire community to focus on a dependent mindset. This was done under the Clinton Administration and even Clinton admitted that transporting the rice was a huge failure.

Why is this interesting?:

Our perception is what we base our entire lives around. If we perceive that something is bad, we stay away from it, if something is good, we tend to ask for more. When there was an earthquake in Haiti, it brought destruction to that entire area and "crippled the country". Although this was devastation, innovations were made and entrepreneurship stepped into centerstage. ENERSA was created to make solar panel street lights for the streets of Haiti.This is all interesting because the movie highlights how charity damages areas that entrepreneurs are needed the most, like Haiti. Entrepreneurship became an effective alternative when it came to places drowning in poverty.

Relationship between Entrepreneurship & Society:

In a lot of ways, entrepreneurship saved places of poverty. It gave people the opportunity to innovate something to help their country, give the community around them jobs to live off of, and gave the people a purpose, as well as a sense of independence. In order to fight poverty, you cannot just give that area everything they need, they have to learn how to innovate it on their own independently. "If you give a man a fish, he will eat for a day. If you give a man a fishing pole, he will have fish forever".

How does Society Support this Aspect?:

ENERSA was started by the ordinary people (the society) in Haiti to bring wealth and hope to the area. They have employed several people who otherwise would have probably been in a gang in order to survive poverty. This entrepreneurial business venture has provided efficient and sustainable solutions to Haiti by using the resources around them, like the sun, that they know they can rely on. The sun will always be in the sky and they use that resource to their advantage to create street lights for the country.


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