Wall Street (1987)


Wall Street is a film about a stock broker, Bud Fox, who will do whatever it takes to be successful. Bud Fox is a young broker who's full of ambition but new to the trade. This is how the story begins. Fox trying to navigate his way through the everyday struggles on Wall Street to make it to the top. Being young, Fox is naive. He idolizes a corporate raider by the name of Gordon Gekko. Corporate raider's are very rich people who buy large amounts of stock in a company to become majority shareholders. They then use this position against the company in order to make an insanely high return. In the movie, Fox persuades Gekko into becoming his mentor while providing insider trading. The story shows aspects of entrepreneurship and how your large appetite for success can become your enemy. Also, it's a great lesson to entrepreneurs on greed and using unethical practices as means to the top.

Fox, nor Gekko, wasn't concerned about benefiting anyone but themselves. The money they could make was more important then the jobs that would be taken away or the consumers who supported the companies. Overall, they held a negative relationship with society. Fox only realized he took things too far when Gekko went after Bluestar. Bluestar is an airline company in which Fox's father had worked his whole life. One of Fox's most important objective's in life was to make his father proud. Yet, while trying to do this, he became selfish and brainwashed by money. This led to him getting to a point in life he could be proud of but it ended up hurting his father instead.

Another aspect in the movie I noticed is time. While we don't have lots of time, you can't fight against it. One of the first things said in the movie is that good things take time. It's easy to see now that this was foreshadowing the inevitable fall of Bud Fox after he became unethical. This is a great lesson to entrepreneurs. While we all want to be successful, it's important to remember it takes hard work, dedication, and time to become an overnight success. Becoming too impatient and using illegal methods to entice your goals will always end in a bad way. In Fox's case, he got caught and put on trial.

There are people in the real world who act the same as Fox and Gekko. These people have interesting relationships with society. They do nothing but hurt businesses and consumers yet they reap in nothing but rewards.

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