They Say It Can't Be Done

The movie, “They Say It Can’t Be Done”, is very fascinating and has an interesting take on how we as humans can be more environmental. The documentary focuses on four entrepreneurs and their new innovations. It starts off with the first group of entrepreneurs who are essentially creating new body parts or organs with the cells of the same person with a 3D printer machine. There obviously is a lot more science behind the invention but to be able to be your own donor and not have to be put on a waiting list, is something that sounds nearly impossible. That is what I really enjoyed about watching this documentary. Almost every invention that was explained was in fact impossible a few years but with today’s technology, the impossible can start becoming possible. The second story they highlighted was the invention of cultured meats. Which is the science of being able to grow and produce lean meats from animals without killing or doing any harm towards any animals. Again, this idea seems fake or as if no one would take the time to figure out how to do that. But scientists have already been able to figure out this solution. With lots of trial and error, there is a way to produce good and healthy meat that is outside of the animal’s body. The third story in the movie explained Culver’s Catalina Sea Ranch, and how humans need to benefit from the earth’s natural resources more. For example, Phil Culver tells the viewers how we can utilize the space that has been given to us without environmentally destroying it. And the last innovation explained was ways how humans can use the earth’s wind and other resources to capture natural CO2. Because at this rate, humans will use up all the CO2 at some point. I think that all these innovations and stories are very interesting because like mentioned before, these ideas truly do not seem like they would work but here we stand corrected. Another reason I find it interesting is how the scientists and entrepreneurs most likely knew how much of a challenge it would be to finally crack the code. However, they stuck with their confidence and didn’t give up. Although these entrepreneurs did not give up on their newly innovative ideas until succeeded, society has a hard time gripping on to these new ideas of living a life. In my opinion, I both agree and disagree with these ideas. I can understand that not everyone will want a nice grilled steak to be manufactured in a lab, but it is also understandable to wanting to put a stop to killing animals for food. The concept of getting produce and food from animals has been around since anyone can remember. There are people out there that do in fact really struggle with the concept of things changes or have a fear of. I also have a hard time dealing with change; however, I know that everything evolves over time, especially with all the technological tools behind things. It is hard to show the world and society what these new inventions could do to help save our environment, there is always something new on the market every day. If people could just become more aware of the amazing things entrepreneurs can do besides creating the next new smart phone, then the world would start changing. Lots of individuals these days don’t really give into much unless it will directly benefit it themselves. But again, it also takes independent and determined people to help spread the word of these new groundbreaking areas they have now discovered.

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