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Government is Sounding its Death Knell: Let us Smash All Fetters Together

For myself I hold no preferences among flowers, so long as they are wild, free, spontaneous. Bricks to all greenhouses! Black thumb and cutworm to the potted plant!
~Edward Abbey

Some people might wonder why I do it—why I incessantly talk "politics" and freedom.
Here is why: we live in a world of totalitarian madness. We muster energy everyday to survive in a slave State, with violent police enforcers everywhere and sociopath politicians searching everywhere with their panopticon gaze, hunting for people to abduct and punish for paltry reasons.

And most folks languish in a business-as-usual stupor, blind to the depredations of government, blind to the fact that they praise and worship their own fetters. So I trumpet this truth to bring people out of their careless coma. I speak to bring down the light of reason and compassion onto the choir of the careless. I want to create communities of active acolytes for freedom, something formidable enough to foment a cultural shift.

I have Dire Reasoning for Wanting Change

I loathe this notion that people must be collectivized, controlled, corralled, costumed, and consumed. This is an absolute shame, a pockmark on the face of human history, anathema to everything decent and dignified. And my dire reasoning for wanting this change is simple.
It is not "human nature" that causes the wanton bloodshed and slavery. Humankind is not doomed to it anymore than it was doomed to Aztec-initiated human sacrifice. It is that people get too comfortable in their cultures and their systems. Like cardboard characters, they believe governments must be allowed to run roughshod over the population for protection. They fear change.

Government is Sounding its Death Knell

But the aforesaid atrocities are in their twilight, as government sounds its death knell.
The day of conformity and numbed deliberation is over; it is bleeding out on the pavement. The new life is beckoning everyone forward, sounding its beautiful tones, the reverberation of truth and justice shimmering like the North Star. It is the guiding light bringing peace into the fold, regardless of the defeatism of naysayers and their primitive hatred, their reliance on the broken reasoning; their denial of higher things, of wisdom.

Yes, anarchism grows strong while the charlatans and violence-happy clamor for relevance. The liberty laborers continue to acknowledge truth, to grasp the North Star and obtain their divining rod of justice. The new world is right there between the eyes, a destination delivered upon us in this time of desolation and damnation.

Let's rise together in haste then, and smash all fetters forever.

My name is Sterlin. Follow me @ Psychologic-Anarchist. I also run the Psychologic-Anarchist Facebook page and produce many YouTube videos. My interests lie in the intersection of counseling psychology and anarchism. I write about the depredations of psychiatry, and also the new philosophy of compassionate anarchism. We have a large community devoted to discussing psychology and relational voluntaryism.

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