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So true it's crazy



I am not someone who is big on quotes, but this one makes total sense to me. It is just so true and the locals who keep on voting for the same party every four years just can't see it. Because you think they are one of you , doesn't mean they mean well. The people are blinded in the same way the trees are by the wooden handle on the axe.

It is like they can do no wrong yet it is obvious they can't govern. The reason lies in the political unrest the country experienced and the masses see the ANC as the ones that forced the change. How many years can this go on for and how many scandals can they get away with. As long as the people are blinded by propaganda and skin color is the answer.The opposition is run by a black leader,but is still regarded as a white party. This is what the masses believe as the axe has told them that.

I am hoping that it will wear off over time and as the country slowly becomes educated they will see that the axe isn't a friend of them. The leaders have all been members that had at one stage been imprisoned by the apartheid government. As they die off they can't be seen as figureheads anymore as there will be none left.

This may sound crazy, but the government doesn't want to educate the people as it would be bad news for them.The more that become educated the less power they will wield as they will understand what is really happening.

Grandfathers ,fathers and now sons vote for the same party due to peer pressure and not for how they govern , but more on principle. The ANC firstly under Mandela have done nothing for the country. They have plundered the coffers and sold out to the Chinese at every opportunity. The country will recover at some point and then everyone will see the damage that they have caused.

It will take years of rebuilding when this happens and depending on the deals with the Chinese we will see if it will be possible to recover or not.I say possible as we know the deals Angola and Zambia have done already and they are in dire straits today. They have no way of paying back their loan deals and China now owns a piece of them.