Adios Adsactly

When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for me to dissolve the bands I have accepted freely and in fact worked to maintain for the last fifteen months.

It’s time to say “Adios Adsactly”.

Why? Because my bullshit meter has finally maxed out and I can’t go any farther. In order to continue any sort of self worth it’s time to go. Fact is, it’s way past time and I’ve ground along the last couple of months simply because of the terrific people that labor long and hard to keep that place going. To you I tip my hat. I have a deep personal loyalty and love for you, and my life is significantly improved by being allowed to work with you.

That said, I can’t take one more empty promise from the king. For a society that advertises itself as “Autonomous” and “Decentralized” it is quite the opposite. There is no democracy, there is no autonomy, there is exactly one vote. One voice. One way. Take it or leave it.

I don’t want to make this a dirty laundry list. It is simply a statement that I can no longer give any of myself to the ‘society’.

To those of you who might have come to know me and count on me I apologize. I’ve done what I can, have helped where I can and can simply go no farther.

So with that, I hereby declare myself to be a free agent. I’ll no longer carry any portion of the name or place of Adsactly.

I am done.

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