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Our Consultant Fees: Now Priced in Gold to be Paid in Bitcoin

Final, with immediate effect:
All our Consultancy transactions are henceforth to be Priced in Gold grams to be Paid in Bitcoin.

Due to increasingly capricious national tax policies
by nationalist zombie institutes (Natzi)
all current and future fees are now priced in Gold and to be paid by Bitcoin.

The risks and burden associated with relying on fiat currencies already exceeds reasonable levels.
The additional criminalization of cross-border financial transactions requires
a much greater effort to ensure compliance with financial regulatory requirements
being fabricated by nationalist interests. These requirements are usually deemed taxation
but their actual effect is to be a conduit for fund confiscation by fee and/or fine.

The time and paperwork burden associated with transferring funds
between political jurisdictions no longer justifies using fiat currencies.
Banking funds in fiat currencies inflated by political actions
is an intolerable addition to 'the cost of doing business.'
National banks are required to collude with political forces to debase currencies.
Furthermore, national banks harvest interest by delaying fund movements between parties.

Now, this problem is exacerbated by the increasing trend to criminalize ordinary profit.

Holding or even transferring fiat currencies which require registration
and notifications to a wide spectrum of political agencies requires paperwork and
compliance categorization which defies prudent due diligence.

Beyond the level of paperwork and associated time delays are problems
arising from taxation treatment of our clients, vendors, and associates.

We see a dramatic rise this year of effort by various governments
to criminalize ordinary businesses and business activities.
Trans-border activities which were until the beginning of the year 2015
simply ordinary and traditionally acceptable business activities
are now being criminalized to increase regulatory compliance
in order to provide a profit mechanism to what is mislabeled 'law enforcement'.
Rather than participate in an economic rape of our clients, vendors and associates
we now choose to remove our transactions from Natzi currencies.
This also recognizes the war on cash as being a large asset confiscation tool funding government corruption.