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Level 8 Quid Yiff Up For Rent on PeakMonsters!

Estimated Value: $98.89 USD
Rental Price: $0.05 Daily
Minimum/Max Rental: 7/30 Days

qid yiff.PNG

Hey there! Basedcrypto here with another card that I have up for rent over on Peakmonsters! Today's card is Quid Yiff from Splinterlands DICE collection. He is a fire summoner that is maxed out at level 8 for your use! This summoner has the *piercing ability * and a mana of 3 (so it is somewhat cheap to use).

If you want to flex a gold card that no body uses much then Quid Yiff is the one for you. I feel like the DICE series of cards from Splinterlands are highly underrated right now, so he could use some love!

There are only 2 max level Quid Yiffs on the market right now and they are both from @BasedCrypto!I hope anyone who rents him out enjoys the hot and fiery gameplay it will bring!
