Yahve is a demon

Jehova is the greater beginner from the Moon, and Yahve a great demon. That is the reason of confusion, and why the people think that the old Testament is all war and God is anger and vindictive.  In 14th century, Vatican ask to jews that traslate the Old Testament from aramaic to latin, but jews that have in that time all printing machines, in a way of revenge of Inquisition's  persecution , change the name Jehova by Yahve and Yahve by Jehova, when Yahve really is a big big big demon, is the intelectual author of the death of Jesus.  Yahve controlled to Caifas,  and is the enemy or antithesis of Jesus.  The 70 Wisers Group were the author of this change in the Bible, if you talk with an exorcist, he know about it. 

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