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Higher life conference benin

Youth Conference Benin with Pastor Chike 01/03/2018

The old and aged talk about yesterday but young people talk about the future. Refuse to grow up among the generation that's complaining. Poverty is the deadness of the human mind. Select your author, don't just buy every book.

Five important points:
📌The power of purpose:
The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly (John 10:10)

Find out your purpose. You were born for a reason. God's purpose for your life is for this generation.
For David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell on sleep, and was laid unto his fathers, and saw corruption (Acts 13:36).
A potential is everything you can be that you can be that you are not manifesting here. Your purpose brings focus, energy and direction. Success is native to you. The day you choose a life of success, there's a road that takes you there.

📌Understand the brevity of time: There are things that are not in abundant supply; one of them is time. Time is limited. Your future comes to you in every second. Use your time to pursue your purpose. Failures waste time, average people spend it, wise men utilize it. Invest your time in self development. Yes we can! We are the change generation! Time, it's not in abundant supply. Success is what God says it is. The success of a product is the fulfilment of the purpose for which it was made. No material thing can give you any value. Don't waste your time on the wrong things.

📌Discipline: Discipline yourself in the direction of your purpose in life. Get some education, some training. Once you choose success, it's different. If you are heading anywhere in life, you've got to discipline yourself to get there. Discipline yourself in the direction of your purpose. That's the reason we have more poor and broke people in the world because the majority are undisciplined. Opportunities come in disguise. Opportunities often come as work. The first principle of success is to look at for a human need and position yourself to meet that need.

📌The Power of Choice: No one is responsible for where you are today, you are fully responsible. Your choices and decisions is the reason you're the way you are. Joshua 1:8. Don't put the keys to your happiness in another man's hands. Take responsibility.

It is a wonderful thing to be alive!

If a person lives to be very old, let him rejoice in every day of life, but let him also remember that eternity is far longer and that everything down here is futile in comparison.

Young man, it is wonderful to be young! Enjoy every minute of it! Do all you want to; take in everything, but realize that you must account to God for everything you do.

So banish grief and pain, but remember that youth, with a whole life before it, can make serious mistakes.
Ecclesiastes 11:7-10 (TLB).

Indecision is a decision not to decide. You must decide. There are rules for prosperity.

📌The fact of eternity: Time is short. Life is a preparation for eternity. Where will you live eternally? You've got to live for him now. Make no mistakes it doesn't all end here. Refuse to be pressured to compromise. You can be a success, God can make you one. God is more willing for your success than you can ever be.