Always I return To God (Source.Universe.Brahma)


Always I remember, as crazy as the world gets, that we are all one with the universal source of all that is.

there is nothing that can remove you from that.

the most ridiculous notion.

that you could not be.

is only that.

a fear manifest from fear.

when we say drop it.

walk away.

that is all it is.

no anger at what has become.

no killing rage to fix the wrong.

nothing can ever fix what was never broken.

it is in thinking it can be broken the error is made.

thinking you can 'go against God' ..

how does that even make sense? if God didn't want you to do it..

what Kind of a weak pathetic God couldn't get his/her way?

a mortal god, that lied for power. used geile to get their way.

intellect is amazing, but its limitation is scope.


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