What are Your 'S.M.A.R.T.' Goals?


Do you have a SMART goal? 🤓

A SMART goal is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely.⠀

For example, some of you may know, I'm not only a copywriter, but I'm also a mental health advocate and a psychotherapist in training. My goal is to own a private practice where I help people deal with their mental illness and motivate them to live their best life. There are some things I need to consider with this goal.⠀

Is it specific? It's specific and I broke it down even further into steps. I first need to graduate with my Masters's degree. Then I need to work 3 years under supervision. Finally, I can have my private practice.⠀

Is it measurable? I can measure my success by the grades I get in all my classes, making internship hours, getting a good job after graduation, and constantly learning!⠀

Is it achievable? I certainly believe so. I graduated with my Bachelor's, which gave me the skills I need for graduate school.⠀

Is it relevant? It is because I believe it is my life's purpose to help people.⠀

Is it timely? I know it will take me 5 more years to reach this goal. This is a rather long term goal, but that's ok because I broke it up into achievable steps. I need 2 more years to get my Master's (I'm doing part-time) and 3 more years of working under supervision.⠀

And you damn well know I celebrate every achievement in between? 🎉⠀
What are your smart goals?

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