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2018 will be Defined by Freedom

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This year I will focus most of my energy on becoming as free as possible in all aspects of my life. For me this means to have a free thinking open and inquisitive mind, a fit body that gives me the ability to do the things I love, and an occupation the revolves around my interests. These principles translated into specific goals means the following:


  • study Stoic Philosophy for a least 20 minutes a day
  • meditate for 20 minutes a day


  • get down to 12 percent body fat
  • run 2 half marathons
  • lift at least 3 times a week
  • do cardio 5 times a week


  • blog everyday (starting today)
  • podcast or post a video once a week
  • continue investing in and researching cryptocurrencies
  • make $10k per month outside of my day job (sounds crazy but I think it's possible)

So those are my goals, aka what I'm going to get done. At the end of this year I will be able to say that 2018 was defined by freedom.
