~Winner of 100 Steem in the Splatts Style Giveaway ~ How much Weight is on my truck~

Now for the moment you all have been waiting for. Well not quite all of you but those of you that joined in on the 100 Steem Giveaway... Splatts Style. For those that were unaware of what is happening I will give you a little background on this giveaway. It was a simple guessing game. I loaded a bunch of trash on my truck and hauled it to the city dump. In order to win 100 Steem all anyone had to do was guess how much weight was on my truck. The person with the closest guess wins 100 Steem. Now if that isn’t an easy 100 Steem I don’t know what is. No hoops to jump through, just give me a number. Here is the post if you would like to get even more info about it. https://steempeak.com/dtube/@jlsplatts/98n2ey91chb


First I want to thank everyone for setting aside “business” for a bit and having a little fun with yours truly. I am going to be totally honest and tell you all that I was really surprised myself at how much weight was sitting on the back of my truck. My guess was about 1/2 of what was actually on there and I watched everything that was out on it. My son @lil-splatts on the other hand was just 20 pounds off. He didn’t make an official guess so he doesn’t count. Here is a list of all the official guesses you guys chimed in with:

Now let me get this straight before I go on. This isn’t Price is Right Rules. You know the closest to the right answer without going over. This is straight up who is the closest to guess the correct weight on the back of my truck

Come On Down

Okay, I’m not just going to tell you all some number and expect you to believe me. I got proof, behold the receipt from the dump. It shows how much I weighed when coming into the dump (A) and how much I weighed leaving (B). Now with some simple arithmetic, we subtract B from A we will get the amount of the weight on the bed of the truck. Thank God the receipt shows that tough problem.

First his is the proof of the date and the weight of my truck when I weighed-in when first arriving.

11,820 LBS

Now here is the receipt showing the total amount of weight on the truck. And yes, it did cost me a good chunk of change to dump it all.

3,020 LBS

So the Winner of 100 Steem With a Guess of 3,086 LBS is...



@ookamisuuhaisha was soo close with the guess of 2900 LBS, missed it by 100 LBS but @mobi72 was only off by 86 LBS. Dang you Steem peeps are good!!

I’m not done yet, when I say this is a Splatts Style Giveaway that means the rest of you don’t go home empty handed. Just as a token of my appreciation for your participation I’m going to be sending all of you 1 - Steem Basic Income Share. Hey, it’s better than a poke in the eye right? Give me a few and I will get those SBI shares sent out ASAP.

Congratulations @mobi72 Here is your 100 Steem


Thanks again for being such good sports and having a little fun with my Giveaway. Keep an eye out I’m brainstorming for the next one.

Until Next Time...

Steem On


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