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Ghost Peppers!

ghost peppers.jpg

Good afternoon everyone!

So I'm sure everyone has hear of the infamous ghost peppers and how hot they are. But have you ever tried to experience this for yourself? I did..... And they don't play around!

So how did I come in contact with a tub full of ghost peppers you might ask?ghost peppers tub.JPG

Well at my workplace, we have this guy who loves to grow nothing but peppers. He came in with three tubs to give us full of dehydrated ghost peppers. Me and my co-worker (we love spicy!) were instantly intrigued with the peppers and seeing what the hype of them was. So we took a bite of them.

That's right, we took a big mouthful of ghost peppers.

Just straight up bit the pepper. No milk in sight, nothing to stomp the fire that would soon ravage our mouths.

And it first it wasn't bad. The pepper had a sweet taste to it. We looked at each other like we had just conquered one of the greatest challenges in the world and that's when it hit us. Like a Mack truck hitting a bug.

Now I've tried a lot of spicy things in my life, but I was not prepared for this burn.

It was like no other. We were pretty much putting anything in our mouths at that point that we thought would help, but to no avail were the fires being even mildly put out. If anything it felt like I was fueling the fire.

I'm pretty sure tears where starting to form from all the coughing and trying to survive, but like a true man, I couldn't show my weakness!

We toughed it out, that's all you could do. Sit there and burn and hope that the Pepper gods had mercy on you and would put the flames out quicker. But it was the after math that I thought was really weird.

I felt tired. Like I had stayed up all night and was starting to feel the effects from it. I'm sure someone can explain why that happens but it was just very weird.

Needless to say, I still like ghost peppers, I will definitely treat them with the respect they deserves and only eat small chunch of them at a time!

I hope you all enjoyed my little story today! If you've tried ghost peppers before or the infamous carolina reaper, let me know how that went. My boss's heat tolerance is at jalapenos so she wouldn't even tough the ghost. But let me know what your heat tolerance is and your experience with the heat!
