Ghostbusters (2016) - Movie Review

Where do I even begin? Well here, first off, why was this film made? Sony flat out had a franchise that hasn't been touched in forever but has a solid fanbase and turned it into a product placement filled feminist agenda film. And before all of you start commenting about how I'm just a whiny misogynst who doesn't like women in his movies, here me out. I can name plenty of Science Fiction movies with female leads that are great movies and there are great comedies with female leads. But when the all female team becomes a gimmick and all the men in your film are shown as egotistical dicks or just plain stupid, it becomes really lazy. That really comes out in the jokes. I may have laughed at two jokes in the whole film and I can't even remember what they are. Kate McKinnnon was so annoying, Melissa McCarthy and Kristen Wiig looked like two actresses who were just told, "be funny" and lack any kind direction or motivation. Leslie Jones was the only one who seemed to be invested or even seem like a human being in this movie. She's the only one who was afraid when she saw a ghost! Chris Hemsworth plays the extremely dumb receptionist who at first gets a laugh but when the joke of him being dumb gets dragged out way too long, you can just tell it's another shot at the anti-men angle. The only other thing I can think of that was kind of interesting were the designs of the ghosts and the gadgets. The actual Ghostbusting was pretty cool. Even though the original wasn't exactly an action movie, I wasn't opposed to the action movie ending. But bottom line, this movie just isn't funny. If I was watching this at home, I would have turned it off. Stick with the original folks.

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