Poda and Tup (tub) islands in Krabi - this is the real attraction

Tourists coming to the south of Thailand seem to have 2 destinations: Phuket or Krabi. However, when they come to Krabi I feel as though many people miss one of the best features that this area has to offer despite the fact that it is less than 7km from the major tourist shores. It is called Poda Isaland (and is connected to Tup Island) and this is an absolutely wonderful part of this are that must not be missed if you made the journey this far.


Poda is visible from the popular beach of Ao Nang, yet so many people that visit here do not go to it and that is a true shame. I say this because the beaches of Ao Nang are not terribly special aside from the scenery in the distance and one of those scenic points is actually Poda Island.


The difficult part about visiting Poda is that a lot of tour companies go there so it is not going to look like the last pic above. However, I know some tricks that can get you a local's trip to the islands. It isn't particularly expensive or difficult either.

Simply go to the beach and talk to a boat captain about leaving the beach to Poda around say 3pm. The half day price at the time of writing this is about 1500B or around $40. If you depart the mainland at this time, all of the tour groups are going to be on their way out or already out of there by the time you arrive and therefore the beach can be all yours. Of course the sunshine will be fading at this point but i suppose you have to make a choice: Either you want to get a tan surrounded by a thousand other people or you want to experience this lovely island with 20 people on it at sunset. I know which one i would prefer.

I would not choose this scenario

Just talk to the boat guys (and they are very easy to find) and get your own boat. If you can find a few friends the price does not increase unless you have more than 8 people going. If you are fortunate enough to have 8 people think of that! $5 a person to have your own private island so to speak.

No one is allowed to stay on Poda and this is the reason why in the evenings it is so quiet there. All the tour groups from the mainland need to depart Poda around 2-3 pm because they have deadlines to meet. If you simply get your own boat you will dodge the crowds and see what is, in my opinion anyway, the best this area has to offer.

PS. if you are worried about getting to Poda too late to get a suntan leave your worries behind. A vast majority of people that visit here get sunburned by accident because seriously, the sun is powerful here and that is why I am always in the shade. You will get a tan (or burned) by accident.

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