Forking is over, let's get to know each other

While I was muted from Steemit with my pittance RC and can not post anything, I came across this #gettoknowme challenge that was hosted by @anomadsoul. It is about going back through your previous posts that say something about yourself and picking the top 10 from those posts. From those 10 posts, make a compilation post and tag three other Steemians to join the fun.

I thought it is a cool idea. It is like starting all over again and introducing yourself after the forking fiasco. Yes, that is a good way to start again so here we go...

Generally Me

My very first post on Steemit was just few minutes after my first login. It was a short self introduction but you'll get to know bits and pieces of me in general. I mentioned on that introduction that you can find me on Steem chat though I am more active now on Discord as @macoolette#3223.

Wrestling with that real and very much alive beast at Eden Natures Park in Davao City. Yeah, I take risks. Calculated risk, that is!

I have also shared few of my favorites like food (sinigang), place to sit (in my living room), shirt (that light blue one), mug (the one big enough for my coffee) and book (John Grisham books but I like The Street Lawyer the most).

Wandering sole

I love to travel. I have so many stock photos from travelling that I would love to share. Changing priorities are squeezing in but writing more about my travels is still in my to-do list. I will keep wishing to find time to sit down and dig on my piles of photos. I have shared a few of them on the following posts.

In my kind of holiday, I shared few of my adventures around our beautiful country, Philippines.

Clockwise starting from top center: (1) Feeding and chasing fishes through helmet diving in Boracay; (2) appreciating the lake and island from above with parasailing also in Boracay; (3) exploring Bakwitan cave at Isla de Gigantes in Iloilo City; (4) having fun with my friends around a boonfire along the beach after a day in the water at Anilao, Batangas; (5) endurance test hiking to Mt. Pinatubo crater in Tarlac; (6) traversing a green forest through Asia's first longest dual zipline at Dahilayan Adventure Park, Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon; (7) dancing with the tide with whitewater rafting in Cagayan de Oro.

Center: Playing with the sweet parakeet at Malagos Garden Resort in Davao City.

I got the chance to visit a legendary dog which I never knew until I saw its statue. If you know the movie Hachi, that is about A dog's tale in Japan though the setting was in the U.S. If yoou haven't watched the movie, go find a copy and watch. It is a very good story of animal's loyalty.
This is the Shibuya Crossing, The Times Square of Tokyo, in Japan. Go find the dog on the photo. 😜

While I have so much to share about my travel adventures, I did not know how to start because I do not keep a journal. Then I thought that for my domestic travels, I would just do it geographically from north to south of the country so I started with the Breathtaking Batanes - North Batan. I mean it, the place is breathtaking so #comeandvisit!

Discovering and learning arts

I am not a craft artist but if something new catches my attention, I put my heart into it.

I got to know about the omega star origami through a contest. I was pleased with my very first creation from a scratch newspaper so I did more omega stars. I kept creating that the host of the contest was surprised with my many creations while other entries have only one or few.

The emoji challenge was the most challenging and drove me nuts! I had several attempts which looked good on the editor but were scrambled when posted. I wanted to cry but did not give up and ended up to be the only contender of the contest. 😍 I did it again on the second round of the contest and it was no longer as challenging as the first attempt. As the saying goes, practice makes progress!

My latest art craze was a coloring challenge wherein I made the coloring subjects to be glowing lanterns. I wish something comes out of Steemhunt a printer that prints animation. I want to capture the glow on the printouts! 😂

Reaching out, giving back

I do volunteering works from time to time. I have this story behind that single picture during one of my volunteering works. The photo always reminds me of the other kids' comment that I look better as the boy's mother. Oh, huh!

Last August, I found out about a different organization which does regular outreach programs near the area where I volunteer from time to time. I got curious about the organization so I joined them for the first time on their Play and Catch Up project.

Though not as many as my travel photos, I also have many volunteering photos which I may share some in the future.

That's about it for me for now. I think it is time for @celinavisaez, @cicisaja and @el-nailul to share their top 10 posts for us to get to know them better.

To @headchange, @janton and @freedomshift, I am not sure if you have enough to dig about yourselves from your previous posts but it will be great if you too join in. This is a challenge after all. 😉

Everyone is actually encouraged to join the challenge. Visit the challenge post to know more of the details. Have fun! 😃

By the way, one of the challenge rules is for the participant to be more than six month old in the platform or have more than 100 posts. I take the "or" side and hold on to the second condition of having more than 100 posts. I have 114 posts, excluding the comments, as of this writing 2018-09-28, 13:05 H (excluding edits thereafter). 😊


Unless different source is cited, all photos and graphics I post are mine. Either I took the photo or I created the graphics through photo editing tools.

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