365 Days of Citizen Journalist George Webb

A year has passed since George Webb began his investigation into the Clinton Foundation and the corruption in the US political system and he shows no signs of letting up.

img / Lucid Boomer

This time last year the Podesta emails were released by Wikileaks in an October surprise that exposed the Clinton Campaign's rotten center. From pay-to-play, to media collusion, to pizzagate, to rigging the democratic primaries against presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders the Podesta emails confirmed what many Americas already suspected - the Clintons and their foundation are a sham, and simply instruments of the Deepstate.

George Webb

Citizen Journalist / Investigator

img/ YouTube - Reddit.com

As more and more details emerged exposing the seedy behind the scenes dealings of one of Americas most powerful political dynasties, George Webb began a crowd sourced online investigation into the scandals surrounding the Clintons, the DNC, and American intelligence agencies and contractors.

Since beginning his investigation, George Webb has collected an enormous amount of research and has provided at least one YouTube summary of his research every single day for 365 days straight. At this point there are over 1200 YT videos credited to George.

I began watching George's series last year around Day 55 and, for better or for worse, I have watched each and every one of his vlogs since then. Yes, I realize that this borders on insanity, possibly addiction. But I'm okay with that.

Webb has generated a large following with over 40,000 subscribers to his YouTube channel many of whom contribute their own research and/or assist Webb with particular topics. At the same time, Webb has many detractors including The New York Times, Washington Post and CNN who have all, at one time or another, labelled the investigation the work of "right wing conspiracy theorists " and Trump supporters. I can assure you that he is neither.

Still there are many researchers and seekers of truth who distrust Webb and are wary of his background. These concerns are not unfounded as in a deleted sequence of videos where Webb believes he's trapped in his New York hotel room and about to be eliminated by a hit squad George made some startling admissions.

In previous vlogs, Webb speaks of his admiration for Mossad, Israels infamous spy agency but in the several videos he made in his hotel room he spoke about receiving assistance from French, Dutch and Israeli intelligence. He also spoke about his admiration for the 'old guard Mossad' and laments the new incarnations.

In the end, Webb managed to leave the hotel and continued his daily investigation as if he hadn't made these admissions.

It was these revelations, and random comments about his admiration for Mossad's trade craft, that lead many in the movement to label Webb a phony and claim that Webb was leading people away from Pizzagate and Pedogate investigations that were going on simultaneously.

On numerous occasions, Webb stated that he wanted to stay clear of the Pizzagate investigation and label. He preferred focusing on Pay-to-Play involving oil pipelines, weapons, drugs, rat-lines and intel. However, there have been many instances where Webb's investigation has overlapped with the pizzagate investigation. Sex trafficking, child sex trafficking and even organ harvesting emerged as dark enterprises with connections to US contractors and intelligence services at various stages. Analysis of the plight of the people of Haiti after the 2010 earthquake and the (de)stabliization effort spearheaded by the Clinton Foundation demonstrated how these disturbing operations are not only possible, but are very likely occurring.

My take on George Webb is that although his investigation has been all over the map at times, he's avoided some of the trappings of other crowd sourced investigations. By sticking to the verifiable facts, collecting information from the crowd, and using citations from the "Pulitzer prize" winning reporters and leads from former intelligence operatives Webb has been able to maintain a certain level of credibility.

I have a lot of respect for what George Webb has done and what he continues to do. Like others in this line of inquiry he has faced harsh criticism from the msm and also from the investigative community but one of his greatest strengths is that he admits when he's made mistakes, and moves forward following the evidence.

As for the Mossad admissions, I personally don't think that's really as important as some may suggest especially compared with the issues he's trying to unearth. That may not be a popular position but if we're ever going to expose the Deepstate we're gonna need all the help we can get.

George has one problem that irks a lot of people and that's doxxing people either purposefully or inadvertently. Either way, at times he has little regard for people's privacy. Perhaps he believes that people are safer out in the open.

George's investigation is sprawling and encompasses a wide range of actors and concepts with which followers need to familiarize themselves with.


Here's an overview of the research from the last year of his investigation:

Day 1-50 - Not Available

The earliest videos of George Webb's investigation were pulled by Webb himself. I believe he stated that he had largely figured out the entire operation but the investigation required a deeper analysis. I have not seen these videos.

Day 53-94 - Where is Eric Braverman?

The disappearance of Eric Braverman, the former CEO of the Clinton Foundation, was the early focus of the investigation. Other important research was done in regards to former CIA chief David Petraeus , Pay-to-Play and the appearance of the shadowy US contractor Dyncorp. There was no trace of Eric Braverman for more than 6 months. Webb and his team finally tracked him down at a speaking event at Oxford University in London.

Day 95-124 - Dyncorp Spy Rings and Arms Rings

At this point in the story Webb turns his attention to DynCorp a US military contractor that has been in operation since 1947.

Day 125-150 - DynCorp Infiltrates (FBI) JTTF

In these videos, Webb explains how DynCorp has infiltrated the Joint Terrorism Task Force of the FBI. JTTF is a partnership between the FBI and CIA to combat terrorism at home and abroad.

Day 151-200 - DynCorp Ratline Pattern Emerges

This is perhaps the darkest and most disturbing chapter in the series as Sex trafficking, Child sex trafficking and the Human Organ trade are explored and how DynCorp is involved in setting up and profiting from these dark operations.

See @rebelskum's - The Case Against DynCorp

Day 200-250 - Congressional Spy Ring Evidence Gathering Gains Momentum (Awan Brothers)

At this juncture Webb is investigating the murder of Seth Rich, the DNC hack and trying to determine who leaked the DNC emails to Wikileaks. Also, though Webb introduced the Awan brothers as early as Day 128, the Awans really begin to comes under the microscope in April of 2017 when Webb visits the numerous businesses owned by the Awans across Virginia and the dozen or so homes connected to the Awan family and fraudulent businesses.

During this period George and Jason warned of possible radioactive materials being shipped by Maersk container ships into the port of Charleston. They claimed that credible sources told them of this threat and they alerted the coast guard. However, they were accused by media outlets such as CNN of calling in a bomb threat and shutting down the port.

Interestingly, fast forward several months and the secret and illegal 2010 Uranium-One deals by the Clintons to sell US uranium to the Russians has reemerged.

Day 250-300 - Awan Car Theft Ring & Black Weapons Ring

In these videos George is joined by Jason Goodman (creator of Crowd Source the Truth) as they pursue leads involving a car theft ring extending from New York, Washington and also into Florida. Visa procurement for immigrants, the mysterious deaths of several Floridian attorneys and digging into the Awan Brothers' activities.

For a summary of the Awan Brothers see:

Day 250-300 - Webb on Awan, Petraeus, Clinton, Graham, McCain Weapons Dealing. Pay to Play exposed in Spy Ring.

Black weapons trade plays a major role in the ongoing investigation.


Day 300-365 - Awan Spy Ring in Congress

Closing out the year if investigation Webb has perhaps found an Achilles heal to the Clinton criminal network as he and his crowd source followers archive an impressive amount of documentation and information regarding Imran Awan, the Awan family, the offices of DNC representatives and the spy ring in the US congress.

Webb believes that the way forward will be through the US courts and judicial system. Focusing on the timeline of events leading up to the arrest of Imran Awan in July 2017.

Webb's Mantra from the very beginning of his investigation has been: "Meta-data, Meta-data, Meta-data" which he believes will lead to the unlocking of key evidence in the case.


Most people will not have time to watch GW's 1200 videos, not will they want to. Perhaps the best place to get up to speed on the Awan investigation is to visit the Trello Board created by several members of the crowd source community.


Here you will find all the evidence and documentation collected regarding the Awan Spy Ring, the Awan's family (ISI) network, court documents, government records, press coverage and more.

Investigation Year 2 - Awan Trial Day 1

Renaming his series the Awan Trial Webb continues his tireless effort to shed light on the spy ring in Congress he believes has been going on for close to 20 years when Imran Awan was first hired by Inter America (later I-Constituent) before being hired as a congressional IT staffer.

From George Webb's YouTube Channel - Awan Trial Day 1.1

George also announced that he will be suing Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Imran Awan directly in a criminal conspiracy under a RICO.

From George Webb's YouTube Channel - Awan Trial Day 1.3



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