Putin's new wepons

Accumulation of NATO weapons on Russian borders, triggered Moscow's response. Thursday the 1st of March was a demonstration of power , that served as a warning to militant adventurers form Washington D. C.

After, now infamous speech on security conference in Munich it 2007, when He sent message to the west - "World is not
just yours ", Vladimir's Putin new speech again shook western ruling elites. Russians announced new range of the latest Russians strategic military systems, from which, it seem for the time being there is no suitable defence.

So why now?

Of Course things were said in context of the upcoming presidential elections in Russia, which is Putin winning for sure, but also in a context of a warning to America, that the things have gone way to far this time. NATO is massing troops and weapons on Russian borders, 5 american cruisers and 40 destroyers are constantly sailing near Russian territorial waters, carrying cruse missiles. American fighter jets are patrolin 24-7 in Black and Baltic sea.
And I think that is good to know that this kind of activity did't even happen in the most critical stages of the Cold War.
Everything started with the American one-sided withdrawal form the ABM treaty form 1972. That tretiy was a benchmark for all later treaties on the reduction of strategic nuclear weapons between US and USSR. Disregarding the treaty on Anti-Ballistic Missile Defence (ABM) sign on 26 May 1972 by Richard Nixon and Leonid Brezhnev , Americans have triggered new weapons race and now Moscow has announced asymmetric response.
Placing rockets in Poland and Romania, Washington placed Moscow in one very tricky situation.
With those rocket in place in Deveselu, Romania and Redzikowo, Poland Russia now does not have time to attempt nuclear counter-strike after American preemptive strike.

And now response is triggered.

Avangard Missile System - Hybrid Supersonic Combustion RAMjet powered by Nuclear core aka Satan's bride
Avangard top speed is 20 Mach (20 times the speed of sound which is 7 km/s) caring 12 warheads of 0.75 Megatons each and flying in plasma layers. Plasma absorbs all electromagnetic waves it comes in contact and does not reflect any energy except of light waves. That means that Avangard can not be "seen" or picjked up by any radar or anti-ballistic system made to date.maxresdefault.jpg

Status-6 Oceanic Multipurpose System aka Kanyon
The Status-6 weapon is designed to create a tsunami wave up to 500 metres (1,600 ft) tall, which would contaminate a wide area on an enemy's coast with radioactive isotopes, as well as being immune to anti-missile defence systems such as anti-ballistic missiles, laser weapons and railguns that might disable an ICBM or a SLBM.
It is launched form submarines and, being powered by nuclear core as it's engine, Kanyon has a lifetime of 10 to 15 years underwater. It pucks a punch of over 100 Megatons of TNT.

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