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Modern West = Late Stage Rome


Protecting your future, preserving your past: fortifying your world against civilisational risk...

The United Nations Human Rights Council just voted on a global resolution condemning "unilateral sanctions" imposed by "late-stage" Biden & Co., for violating human rights.

The only votes in support of illegal sanctions were from emperor Joe Tzu + European vassals that he's trying to keep on a short leash, for example, by blowing up European energy infrastructure then lying about it (think Nord stream). Scholars of the future, will look upon these 'end times' as desperate acts in a final act of defiance, as Empire rages against its own mortality.

The "Global South" is increasingly rising and uniting against sanctions just as an anomalous "Liberal Empire" declines. Remember, that 'Civilisation Cycle' theory demonstrates quite clearly, that once 'external physical decline' through 'internal physiological decay' begins, it doesn't stop. Decline keeps going until we get to a new Dark Age.

Perhaps the best parallel where we can observe this distinct cycling phenomena playing out, would be classical Rome. It is on that scale one should be thinking. This is also why Rome elicits such deep fascination with historians, intellectuals, researchers and scholars alike, because we are a mirror image today of their cycle playing out.

It is also why "luxury-elites" choose leaders like Joe Biden because he best reflects decay and thus inherent corruption at this late-stage of decline.

Those that don't know how to track changes in human nature thus behaviour, will get their predictions/bets wrong about the future because they don't know how to read societal mood-music through the generations. Each generation behaves differently dependent upon where they are on the cycle.

The Science of Temperament (Character)...

Think about it with reason, how can one make good predictions/bets on the future when you don't know how the civilisation cycle operates mechanically? Many aren't even aware that these inherent cycles exists, so they end up being blindsided as events unfold.

Are you one of these people?

The world will become a big, scary and confusing place, as all these changes take place and no, your unsophisticated political solutions will not stop the cycle playing out. These forces are immense in the same way that nothing can stop your own mortality. Spenglerian wisdom rules and it is wisdom borne of a much deeper understanding of the human nature of society.

We care not if yo are religious or you are scientific, become a super-biologist grounded in deep history and human nature. Be comfortable in both worlds of religion and science, because this is the Goldilocks zone we must walk re ultimate reality.

Some of us believe in a dualistic approach integrating faith and reason. “Dualism” refers to the belief that there are two separate and distinct types of reality, such as mind and body, or faith and reason. They represent two different ways of understanding the world, that are absolutely necessary for a complete understanding of reality.

Learning to live in reality is important because it is absolute. If you want to change the world, you must act according to reality. Nothing else will affect reality. If you evade this fact, your actions will most likely not have their desired effects. Your failure will be metaphysical justice.

In order to master a more complete picture of reality, one needs to be balanced between dogma (beliefs or principles that are accepted without question - a religious approach) and curious-skepticism (a critical attitude towards knowledge claims and a willingness to question them - a scientific approach).

Do you live in the real world?
