Go Geocaching With Me In Denver!

Greetings, Steemians! I was going to Sprouts today,so I decided to try my first attempt at geocaching!

Geocaching is an app based treasure map of sorts. You look on the map to find if there are any caches nearby, and then you use the GPS and the hints/description to find it! It was really fun, discovering that there are secret treasures on streets I walk on all the time and never knew about!


The cache! It alerts you when you are close, and then I had to look for "Toad's House."


Sign the log book, and take/leave a present. I didn't take one, but I left this necklace.

I actually found a second cache on my walk, but I didn't log it because I only had brought one present with me, so I'll go back. The second one was teeny tiny, so I will have to bring something really small.


Bee butt!

I was horrified to discover that Sprouts had no whey protein, which is why I went there. At least I have eggs, maybe I can scramble a couple and not be a hypoglycemic super bitch tomorrow without my shake? I'm totally out. :( That shake is really a cup of sanity for me. Your prayers are welcome. Also, seriously, Sprouts, you run out of whey FAR too often. Maybe order more!


Check out the pretties! 😃 These echinacea were HUGE!

Have a good night, y'all!

That Red Fish your momma always warned you about

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