Write Hole

I was reading @themarkymark's latest on Ransomware and Backups and that lead at its conclusion to Wikipedia and the article on Data degradation

This in its turn lead me through a few more Wikipedia pages starting with BTRFS

BTRFS is a fairly modern filesystem that was talked about in the post and I figured I'd try knowing a bit more

I went onwards to RAID from there, specifically the section on Atomicity where I encountered the exquisite phrase Write Hole.

It's just odd.

And delightful.

Wherever in the history of the English language would these two words have been put together for the sake of making a new phrase?

Who honestly knows, but probably nowhere before the age of Hard Drives and Filesystems.

One of my favourite things is taking these unusual combinations of words and sticking them into an image generator, just to see what weirdness falls out.

And the rest is before you:

Imagine if eyes in the landscape were normal. Like, 'eye' was a geological feature in the same category as valley, mountain or river.

Wiki - RAID - Write Hole 1200.jpg

My favourite of all is the first image. The eye in the desert. That tiny red pupil. Some tendrils in the foreground? Or maybe eyelashes? Is it even an eye at all, maybe just a hole? What do you think? What's you favourite?

Here's to Living in The 21st Century

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