Dumpstering 450 euro of Hazelnuts, a Ferry crossing and Landpirate antics from Germany to Denmark.

Last night we went dumpster diving or actually I should say that the whole of yesterday we were dumpster diving at every Supermarket we came across!

It was quite obvious that the dumpsters had been emptied so we only start to find food later in the day. First we got vegetables after driving past a supermarket and I saw outside the back that there was food in a shopping trolley.



Not long after we had a problem with the exhaust on the car as it had dropped off and the repair made in Morrocco had finally gave in.
Luckily we were very close to a garage and got some wire to hold the exhaust back into place. It was a gypsy scrapyard actually and they asked for some weed instead afyer I asked if they wanted a few euro for using their jack and wire to repair it


We drove on heading north to take a small Ferry Crossing but instead we ended up finding a really cool place serving bratwurst and so we got a plate each with fries and beer, and then we camped out in the car next to the water.


It was my first time witnessing first 'Contact Tracing Methods'. The cool guy asked us to fill out theses details before leaving and luckily he didn't say that we had to fill them out with our real personal data so that was great


When we woke up we went and took the ferry across the river Elbe to save driving around Hamburg on land.



Comming in to Dock


It was really cool the way the boat was parked because clearly there wasn't enough room to turn around by using the engine and steering, so what they did was to use one of the huge concrete steel pillars in the water to tie rope to and just by excelerating it made gave the boat a pivot point to turn it into the tight space for docking.



On the other side, we stopped in a town so I could use a westerunion and it was horrible to have to wear a mask again of which I had to pay for and it brought back memories of Spain, and made me feel quite shit!

just before dark..

We went to cross over the border into Denmark but had quite a shock because the first crossing we tried was barracaded.

Zombie apocalypse? Civil war? Rebel controlled checkpoints? No, just an invisible virus and the biggest hoax in history - The Covid scam.


I love that someone is reminding everyone of recent history of the DDR


We ended up going recycling again as it was by now closing times for the supermarket and we ended up scoring atleast 15kg of hazelnuts amounght other thing like meat and yogurt drinks.


They cost 30 euro per kg pack and we have atleast 15 packs, that's atleast 450euro worth?!?!

We went in the dark and parkied in a church car park to sleep for the night and it rained constantly- it's a different experience having a car instead of just a tent though and rain don't matter.

We have just crossed into Denmark and will look for a place to camp today and tonight.

it's not far now until I get to North Denmark and will enjoy a few nights in an Airbnb

Have a Great day, my next post will be a video worth watching for a laugh 😂

Big love and Abundance,


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