Happy day dear friends, today I come to share very valuable information about the multiple uses of ashes, surely at some point we have been contemplating burning embers and as it is becoming gray dust wood that burns slowly, then we continue in our activities without giving more importance. But people who are dedicated to burn these firewood, either for cooking, heating, among others, do not find what to do with these residues and usually end up throwing them away, not having knowledge about their various uses, being able to give an added value.

         Ashes can be used in agriculture as a soil improver, at home to eliminate grease, bad odors, in pets, in health and beauty, in the kitchen giving more flavor to dishes, in short can be used in many ways.



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         Because the uses are very broad, I am going to divide them into several parts: 1.- Generalities of Ashes and Uses in the Home. 2.- Other Uses of the Ashes in the Home, in the Health and Beauty and in the Kitchen. 3.- Uses of the Ashes in Agriculture.4.- How to make lye from wood ashes, How to make soap from wood ashes.



          First of all, it should be clarified that the ashes to be used must come from the burning of wood that are not resinous, that have not been painted either, mainly from old, dry trees or trees that are grown for timber, do not use plastics, fuels to burn wood or containing any chemicals, you can also use remains of vegetation product of crops.

         Ash is the product of the combustion of some material, composed of non-combustible inorganic substances, such as mineral salts. A part remains as a residue in the form of dust deposited in the place where the fuel has burned (wood, garbage, etc.) and another part can be expelled into the air as part of the smoke.

         Physico-chemical properties of ashes.

         Wood ash is the organic and inorganic remains of burned wood or bleached wood fibers. The chemical and physical properties of wood ash differ considerably depending on many factors. Hardwood trees such as maple, oak and hickory generally produce more ash than trees such as pine and cedar. The bark and leaves of trees typically produce more ash than the interior woody parts of the tree. Typically, wood burning results in 6 to 10 percent ash.

        Safety and tips:

         It is important to note that the wood to be used must be clean and not chemically treated wood, such as stained or painted wood.

         Hardwoods generally contain more nutrients than softer woods, but softwoods produce more ashes than hardwoods.

         Embers can stay hot for days. Make sure your wood ash is completely cool before using. Preferably use the finest ashes, you can sift it to remove traces of charcoal.

        It is recommended that you: wear gloves when working with ashes, as they can be caustic (irritating); store ashes in any glass or plastic container and in a dry place. The ash is enriched with many of the same minerals that the wood contained such as: calcium, potassium, magnesium and other minerals. If it gets wet it can lose the water soluble minerals.

        HOME USES

1.- External Dewormer in Pets

         You can sprinkle and rub ashes on dog and/or cat fur, or an ash bath on birds can kill fleas, mites, lice and deodorize.

2.- In your pets' water troughs
Take a piece of charcoal and put it in the water troughs, it helps prevent algae and slime growth and keeps the water crystal clear. You can also make your own activated carbon filter by making charcoal from coconut shells. Change it periodically, just put the activated charcoal in the sun for a few hours and it will be ready to use again.

3.- Controls cat litter odor
Charcoal has the property of absorbing bad odors, if you mix a little bit of ashes with some bits of charcoal with the clean cat litter, it will considerably decrease the bad odor.

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4.- Melt the ice off the sidewalk

In many countries in the winter time, the formation of ice crystals can become a big problem. When the ice starts to build up, sprinkle wood ash on your walkways to melt it. You'll have clear sidewalks without the worry of using an ice melter that could be harmful or toxic to your plants and animals.

5.- Degreasing dishes and pots and pans
With the wood ash you can recover the dishes impregnated in grease as well as the pots full of soot. Prepare a paste with ashes and water, apply it for a few minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water for more action.

6.- To clean and unclog pipes
Wood ash contains potassium carbonate, when combined with water forms potassium hydroxide, so it is an excellent degreaser, thus producing lye (in another post, how to make wood ash lye). Applied to the pipes it helps to destroy the greases that obstruct it, apart from eliminating unpleasant odors.

7.- Clean silver garments, silverware in general and bronze
Prepare a thick paste with ash and a little water, then spread it on the metal object to be cleaned and let it stand for a few minutes, after that time you can rub it to give it shine.
You can also use the ash on a felt cloth to polish the silver, or on those that have a bad aspect, with a high shine result, then you rinse it and dry it well. You can do this with bronze pieces in the same way.

8.- For laundry
You can make a detergent from ashes (bleach), for the next presentation I will tell you how to prepare it at home, and use it for clothes, cloths, even in automatic washing machines, applying a measure in the wash water.

9.- For washing fruits and legumes
Many times fruits and vegetables, come with traces of chemicals from the crops, bleach is excellent for removing these chemical residues, as well as insects and bacteria present in them.

10.- Freshen your refrigerator
Baking soda is used to absorb odors, so you can use baking ash with equal results.
Use about a cup of ash, making sure it also has pieces of charcoal. Put it in a container or small paper bag in the back of your refrigerator or freezer. Be sure to change it periodically, depending on whether the odor persists..

11.- Repel mice and other household pests
Ash helps to repel mice, rats, cockroaches and other common household pests. Use this all-natural pest control to keep them out of your home without resorting to dangerous and toxic chemicals. Sprinkle in corners, garage, basement, kitchen cupboards and pantry.

12.- As a blotter
Because of its similarities to baking soda, wood ash is a good desiccant. Place containers of wood ash with lumps of charcoal in damp areas and around your home and garage to absorb moisture from the air.

13.- Protect wool and other fine fabrics
If you want to protect your clothes and blankets from moths, I recommend dusting them with fine ash powder before storing them for the season. When you're going to wear it, simply brush off the ash and wash your clothes as usual.

14.- Take care of your yarns and skeins
Moths will also damage skeins and sewing threads if you store them unprotected. Apply some ash powder to skeins and threads if you plan to store them for some time before using them. When you're ready to knit or spin, simply brush or shake it off.

Coming Soon Part Two: Other Uses of Ashes in the Home, in Health and Beauty and in the Kitchen.

Thank you all, I hope you find this information useful.

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