Said the spider to the fly.... confessions of a NWO insider


"The displacement of the Muslims and third world peoples - is an intended strategy in order to impose a ‘universal culture’ on mankind, which, can then be more easily controlled and as Muslims, are the most populace and indoctrinated, they are the current choice of race chosen by the Cabal to spread in numbers and gain control of the global populace. Those in the west will fight back of course, but their sheer weight of numbers will inevitably overwhelm resistance.

Which is why, the reduction in sperm counts is only happening in the western world, as the population of Islamic nations, continues to grow exponentially, by the millions month on month.

Which leads us onto birth control!
This is an interesting one, because yet again, the masses have been hoodwinked into getting all hung up on the religious and moral aspects of the debate, which is yet another red herring.

Forget all of that, for the real reason abortion was frowned upon, was to ensure that the numbers on each side of the religious divide of East vs Western cultures, were kept fairly even to create an effective 'proxy Crusade' which is still going on!

All the Good vs Evil narrative is an easy one to manipulate and radicalise young and impressionable minds. So it’s purely a numbers game to ensure that your troop numbers are maintained.
‘But will that give Islam an advantage over the Christian west, because they are outnumbering us with higher birth rates?’
For a period it might well do so, but just as the Cabal always upend structures they will do so again with Islam, if indeed, it suits their endgame. Indeed, as they have done so many times before, and this is why Spain is Catholic today after expunging Muslims from its lands, following the disintegration of the Caliphate, where Islamic control of Spain was gradually eroded by the Christians.

The Cabal also uses third parties to sell arms to both sides and millions of Muslims are being utterly manipulated… I can assure you.

So it’s not solely about bringing down the West, for the Eastern cultures believe equally, that the plan is 'to actually bring them down'. The manipulators 'blame game' - through fear - is serving them well, as it has done so for Millennia. The Cabal will keep the conflict going until one side outnumbers the other and that will be the culture which is ‘adopted’ throughout the globe, and will do their bidding.

And don't fall for all the 'Q' narrative either for the Cabal is simply brilliant at appearing as if, they are the 'Oracle' of all... They control all the breakout points used by the secret services and intelligence agencies, in order to interface from their shadow internet (which was created long before the commercial internet) and not, to be confused with the ‘dark web’ either. They created the latter because they know that humans are such suckers for being told what they must not have, and they are now seduced by the pernicious services of their Satanic sub-platform.

But look deeper down the rabbit hole.
I would like to use the iconic phrase ‘follow the money’ but, that will bring you up short - for 99% of the ‘real money’ is stealthily sitting in 'Lichtenstein Foundations’. Just to illustrate, when the newspaper Baron Robert Maxwell’s fraudulent empire collapsed, even Interpol hit a brick wall when they tried to trace where all the funds disappeared to? All of Maxwell’s ‘arrangements’ were in Vaduz.

Research the Order of St John!


They have ‘Permanent Observer’ status at the UN and are a Chivalric order; which has been around long before - even the Knights Templars. Use your discernment, because there are ‘rogue’ orders and much bull has been written over the years - deflection tactics again.

Forget the new crypto-currencies, for Gold is the divine element and always will be. A number of people keep telling me, that my tweets about $260 trillion of global debt, is yet more project fear! Hardly, when you consider that the value of all the gold ever mined is shy of $9 trillions!

The inevitable implosion will make Brexit irrelevant, and coupled with the Quadrillion dollars of illusory daily derivative trades, and the perfect storm is upon us.

George Orwell absolutely ‘nailed it’ in his dystopian masterpiece 1984. My God, what an amazing prophet that man was. Not only because he predicted the manipulation by the parasite ‘elite’ - and along with globalisation - but also the manner by which, we are all spied on and how the masses have unwittingly enslaved themselves to ‘unsociable’ media platforms. There are not enough ‘Manipulators’ to control the masses, so over the last century, they have devised a simple and devastatingly effective method, whereby the masses actually control themselves through…fear.

Whether it is a fear of God, death, poverty, the Russians, North Korea, immigrants, loss of jobs, new technology or robots; and now a contrived Coronavirus, the constant chaos of conflict which fear creates, then prevents the masses from being able to see what is really going on. Which is simply, a form of psychological enslavement.

It all starts by influence of controlling parents who, through the ‘conditioned thinking’, then impose their partisanship and cultural ‘norms’ onto their children. Any other views or opinions are then considered to be tantamount to ‘heresy’. This is incredulous, when considering the original meaning of the word, being that of ‘choice’!

The greatest ever ‘illusion of choice’ is the so called ‘Democracies’ that deceive the masses into thinking that, they have the power to change their governments. All they have, in reality, is a choice of which ‘puppet’ they prefer to lie to them. It’s just like a conjuring trick, where the Conjurer offers you a choice of card, but you always choose a card that belongs to him. So in other words, no matter whom you vote for, the ‘Government just keeps getting in’.

These so called ‘Democracies’ are controlled by the ‘establishment’ elite, the ‘religious’ elite, ‘financial’ elite, the ‘corporate’ elite and, the ‘military’ elite. Unfortunately, for the masses, they are not allowed to vote for any of them!

The same elites often own and control the pharmaceutical industries, Silicon valley, utility industries and, they often cross over into the murky world of ‘organised crime’. When you climb to the top of the ‘Pyramid of Control’ you can’t tell the difference between the so called good guys, and the bad guys. For they are the same at that level.

Many globalist agenda items are up for grabs as the world continues to freak out about the novel coronavirus and Covid-19. So is this the main event?

Covid has provided the parasite elite's with perfect cover for the ''Great Reset'' and ''Agenda 21...''
The Parasite class has waited a long time to be able to implement a new control paradigm on the unsuspecting masses. For they know, that the capitalist system of their creation is no longer sustainable and will implode sooner rather than later. Hence, the ‘’pandemic’’ now provides the cover for the reset, which will mean that only privileged and parasitic elites will be afforded relative freedoms and the few Oligarchs, Corps and Big Tech will now reap what is left of consumerism to maintain their position at the top.

The parasites also know, that the planet’s resources are depleting, and therefore, the masses must and will be prevented from moving around the planet at will.
No matter one’s views on climate change and the reasons behind it, the Parasites have every intention of making your life less free and more controlled, to reduce the consumption of diminishing mineral wealth and depleting global natural eco systems.

They know the old way of life has to stop.....

but only for the masses."

The writer of this "confession of a NWO insider" is Mitchell Allen, author of the book The Spiritual Sociopath which reads like an autobiography sold as fiction.


My thoughts:

I wonder why he neglected to mention the genocide & eugenics?

I wonder why he thinks the parasites (as he calls them) need any soldiers for their present wars?

Isn't he aware that their weapons of choice are biological, technological & pharmaceutical?

Maybe our confessor is not as well informed as he might wish us to believe?

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