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Careful what you say, words cannot be taken back .......

........ has been uttered by countless parents all over the world as they attempt to teach their children not only consideration and empathy toward others but also create for them an ability for diplomacy. Parents are driven by wanting their children to have friends and get along with others.

Think about how the other person will feel, words hurt, remember how you felt when it happened to you. Is that how you want to be spoken to? And so the reminders continue during childhood as parents positively shape their children's emotional and moral development.

And while kids learn the lessons the parents teach they are still going to err, blurting out hurtful comments when feeling upset, angry or overly passionate. It is a safe bet to say that there is not a lot of thinking taking place before saying the words.

Being perfect is not part of the human make-up, mistakes are made all the time. Hopefully with the feelings of regret we learn to improve our skill with staying calm enough to think before we speak.

All we can do if on the receiving end is to help others through tolerance and understanding. A helping hand and a gentle reminder are the most powerful.


Cheers and Blessings


Taking time out to contemplate the day is always a good way to review what went well and what we can improve upon. Self-evaluation is the best learning.