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Renewable news and abuse.

if you type renewable anything in google what you usually get is an avalanche of stories of how wonderful renewable energy is, what unstopable progress it is making and such like puff pieces. If you are in the habit of first looking at who is saying and only after that at what they are saying, you'll promptly find out that most of it stems from professional boosters of what is essentially crony capitalism, or put differently, propaganda. Occasionally, though, the truth comes out for those that are looking for it. This was the case recently with a survey of the fortunes of the top 100 renewable companies "Renewable Energy (Global) - Industry Report." It showed that 37 of them are in bad financial shape and only 6 are growing, hardly a picture of a robust industry. And it will get worse, much worse, if what's going on in Germany, the poster child of the renewable insanity, is the example to follow.
