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Hello there!

So we did an introductory post on the GastroAdvisor in our previous post. Here we are going to examine one after another, the various challenges faces by gastronomic businesses as well as the measures outlined by the GastroAdvisor team to check them.

As we know, every ideal blockchain project is geared toward resolving practical problems in the real or virtual world. As a gastronomic related project, GastroAdvisor aims to solve the challenges encountered by astronomic business which ranges from inaccuracy and out-of-date information, information overcharge in search engines, fake reviews of restaurants, etc

Now let’s consider these few problems one at a time.

Often, users in need of information on restaurants have difficulties accessing such information easily especially if they find themselves in an alien state/country. This is largely die to the fact that google search on restaurants as well as other information services are often not up to date due to a number of factors. For instance, many restaurants relocate year in year out. Some make time shift adjustments, some change of names while others yet shut down for lack of customers, the lack of information on how to sustain their businesses, etc.

GastroAdvisor, being a blockchain platform will make it possible for users/businesses to update their business information whenever need arises. They will equally be able to add new restaurants or delete existing ones from the system in the event that they have to shut down their business. The added edge in this is that all these information/updates supplied in the system would be subject to some form of analysis and validation by an internal software and the GA team respectively to ensure their accuracy before they are made public. This way, users would no longer be misled by outdated/inaccurate information on restaurants.

A noticeable downside in searching for information on restaurants on the internet is that most times, such searches are not satisfying enough. Often, internet users have to browse through thousands of search results to locate their preferences by the end of which they might be quite exhausted. The information they so find might not be wholly satisfying to them nor meet their expectations.

GastroAdvisor will utilize its social app in resolving these very unpalatable experiences. The social app - SocialFoods is a platform put in place by the GA team where users would be able to easily gather information on the best restaurants around the world.

Here's how it will work:

The platform will have a social rating and likes/follow features which would serve to inform users on each one’s preferences and tastes. These actions of users will in turn serve to inform all of each restaurant’s credibility/substance. These (especially with the infusion of artificial intelligence), would be made to match users’ searches on SocialFood platform to help them make their choices thus, freeing them from information overcharges characteristic of google searches and other search services.

The problem of inaccurate information on restaurants is also compounded fake reviews. Often, these fake reviews are encouraged by big internet lobbies who manipulate information to their advantage.

To check this menace, GastroAdvisor introduces a system of ranking and certification of reviews/reviewers on its platform. The ranking/certification is on three tiers namely: classic review(bronze certificate), certified review(silver certificate), and blockchain verified review(gold certificate).

Classic Review(Bronze Certification):

The classic reviews on GastroAdvisor platform will bear bronze certificates. This type of review will be open to every user on the platform irrespective of whether they are restaurateurs or not. Chances however are that this category of reviews would likely be unreliable to a greater extent notwithstanding that they would be subject to analysis by the GA team. All fake reviewers once detected during the analysis, would be eliminated from the platform. So stay on guard.

Certified Review(Silver Certification):

The privilege to make this kind of review would only be vested on users who make restaurant bookings on the platform. Once this activity is executed,, the user would be communicated through his/her GA profile for possible reviews (based on their experiences at the venue). Obviously, this category of reviews would be more reliable when compared to the first tier reviews because it is expected that they would accrue directly from firsthand experiences of the users.

Blockchain Verified Review(Gold Certification):

Blockchain verified reviews would be available only to restaurant owners - owners who would accept the FORK tokens and other cryptocurrencies through the GastroAdvisor platform.

Talking of restaurant owners, what really do they stand to earn by using the GastroAdvisor platform?

Here, let’s list a few – though of course the benefits are quite numerous.

As a restaurant owner/ manager on the GastoAdvisor platform, you’d be able to:

  1. Acquire new customers
  2. Expand the scope of your business online
  3. Revamp and bring to the world your business which was hitherto obsolete, etc

The alpha version of the GastroAdvisor platform would be released to the public after its pre-ICO later in the year, and I’m sure the wait would worth it.

Stay tuned to our next post for information on the GastroAdvisor token (fork), its pre-ico and ico.

For more information on GastroAsvisor, visit their official website at:

Also read their whitepaper:


This post was made in return for potential tokens through bounty0x

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