Pay for Restaurants using Cryptocurrency and get Paid - GastroAdvisor

How would you like to be connected with local restaurants and venues through artificial intelligence? Eating out can be overwhelming when you don't know where to go. Maybe you've tried them all? Or, don't know what's out there. What if there was an inclusive app specifically catered towards the art of Gastronomy? Gastronomy is the study of food and culture, including the experience of good eating.

Meet GastroAdvicer

GastroAdvisor is a project that aims to connect restaurants and customers through an effective platform. In other words, GastroAdvisor is similar to Yelp or other services, expect superior features and functionality. The platform will be powered by the token called FORK. FORK tokens will benefit restaurants and customers through unique functionality.

A Dedicated Platform

When a customer wants to find new restaurants, they usually turn to Google or other websites. Google includes all places through Google maps and other websites, can include all kinds of inaccurate information. This can make finding a new place to eat difficult, especially when visiting a different country.

GastroAdvisor only specializes in the gastronomic industry. Users from all around the world will be able to keep all information up to date. All submitted information will be verified through internal software. By dedicating the platform only to restaurants and places to eat, GastroAdvisor will be able to make more accurate suggestions and will provide more accurate information.

Artificial Intelligence Suggetions

The other benefit of only specializing in the gastronomic industry is, it's easier to find suggested restaurants. In fact, by using artificial intelligence, the platform will give customers the chance to find venues based on their preferences. The user's views, likes, searches, followers, and other actions will be used by the smart search engine to find restaurants that will match the customer's taste fast and easily.

Real Reviews

As you may know, many platforms use fake reviews to increase business. Fake reviews may be helpful at bringing new customers in, but it's harmful for customers and the venue in the long run. Fake reviews ruin customer's expectations and make an unhealthy relationship between the customer and restaurant.

Through 3 different levels of reviews, GastroAdvisor will provide truthful reviews. The first level of reviews allows for any user to post a review. They do not need any special certifications. Anyone can post a review based on any venue. The next level of reviews only allows users to post a review on a venue if they made a reservation through the app. This will show that the customer making the review actually experienced the venue. The highest level of reviews will consist of "the first blockchain certified gastronomic reviews". These reviews will only be made by customers who made a purchase using the FORK token or other cryptocurrencies. The user's transaction is recorded through a smartcontract and will allow the user to write a review in the next 30 days.

More Experiences

It's difficult for restaurant to find new customers due to many factors. For example, businesses must pay great amounts for search engine optimization in order to have a chance to be found when searched for through Google. Or, they must purchase fake reviews that they hope will attract new customers. These funds could be used to reinvested into making the restaurant better or used more efficiently. GastroAdvisor provides an equal opportunity for all new restaurants to be listed on the GastroAdvisor platform. They also have the opportunity to reward customers for booking and reviewing their experience.

A Social Exeprience

GastroAdvisor will provide an all inclusive app for finding new places to eat, but also a place to share your experience with your friends. Users will be able to post pictures, text, surveys, videos, and more through the app. Also post 24 hour stories, quick reviews, events, and recipes. You can also follow other users, similar to most social medias.

A Wallet in the App

The GastroAdvisor app will provide a wallet with many features in the app used for searching, booking, and reviewing restaurants. The GastroAdvisor currency, FORK, will be able to be received and sent from the wallet. The wallet also records all the past transactions, making it easy to look up past payments.

Learn More about GastroAdvisor


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