Garden Journal, End of September Report

Hello, and welcome to my garden!

Well, September has come and gone now, and it took summer with it when it left. Where I live, we've had a more cool and rainy September than average, including several early frosts. The last week has had rain almost every day, making it more difficult to do my fall gardening work. Hopefully, we'll get some dry weather in the next couple of weeks so that I can get the rest of my potatoes dug.

About half of the rows of potatoes still need to be dug up. I hope they have a better yield per row than the first few rows that I dug here at the home garden. Here's the potato rows that still need to be dug. Also, you can see how I gathered up most of the Potimarron squash and put them in one area. Some of the squash vines are still growing.
I have bags of compost sitting in the raised bed, waiting for decent weather so that I can spread them out. The soil in the raised bed is a bit tired and could use the extra nutrients.

The marigolds in the other raised bed are still blooming really prolifically. There's still a few tomato plants hiding among the marigolds, I just haven't been able to get them pulled out yet.

There's still a few tomatoes on the plants, but they probably won't ripen. I've pretty much given up on getting any more tomatoes this year.

This is a tomato plant that came up in the larger raised bed during the middle of the summer. The frost didn't get this plant, and it's still alive. I don't expect to see any ripe tomatoes from it, but I'm going to leave it in until the frost kills it.

The Hidatsa beans are still alive and have a lot of green pods, as well as a fair amount of dried pods that are ready to pick. I think I'll get a pretty good harvest of these dry beans this year.

This seems to have been a good year for the carrots. Some of the carrots have produced seed tops this year, which is unusual as carrots usually go to seed in their second year.

There are a few really huge carrots this year. The white carrots are odd, they grow up out of the ground almost as much as they do down into the ground. Also, they turn green when exposed to the light. I don't usually see that with other carrot types.

My volunteer compost heap squash seem to have done really well before the rains started. Now they're being infested with powder mildew. I'm not going to worry about the powder mildew now, the frost will kill the plants pretty soon anyway. There are 3 of the weird hybrid squash on these plants, they're the same ones that I had up at the community garden.

That's about all that's left of my garden this year. The green beans did well, with 55 pints canned. The tomatoes didn't yield as well, with only 29 pints canned to show for it. I had a good yield of both yellow summer squash and zucchini. I have 19 quarts of squash canned, and more squash in the basement waiting for my ambition to can them also. The big zucchinis will keep for a couple of months, but usually not all winter, so I'll have to get to them fairly soon.

Well, that's all I have for this post, thanks for stopping by to check it out!


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