October Garden Journal


With exceptionally warm October the plants on my balcony continue to thrive. Temperatures around 25°C are just perfect and my biggest pride, the strawberries keep on giving fruit. I would never thought that I will pick fresh strawberries in October from the balcony.




The whole month was dry except for once when it rained and washed the dust away. Here is the lemon tree covered rain drops.


And dipladenia flower too.


Now, let me show you how the other plants are doing.

Last month the amaranth started growing again, but there was one weak root with leaves eaten by some bug and I did not give much chance. But the plant got another idea and come back to life. Look how tall it became.


Verbena surprised me with white flowers along with its original violet ones.


But predominantly the flowers continue to be violet with white stripes, although on the next photo it is more pinkish because of the light.


Dahlia, oh this flower is delightful and blooming and blooming.


I was so glad to see the bee on the dahlia flower.


—Pngtree—watercolor ink flower garden_1172424.png


The other surprise this month was the tomato that started growing again. After we removed the plant some seeds have found their new places in two different pots. Here is the one.


And the other.


I can't save them as I have no green house and soon the weather will turn nasty.

Nasturtium. Now it is becoming even bigger.


The second plant was kept on shady place almost all the time and now for a month being more on the sunny spot it shows the lovely flowers.


It comes in two colours - red and yellow with red veins.


Would you dare to try these chilly peppers 🌶🌶🌶?


Lastly something that I started from seeds and forgot what it was.


Soon the plants will be indoors when it will turn cold. I hope that my helper in the garden, the cat will not be tempted to dig and destroy them.

This year the little garden was doing very well, but there were failures too. The rose, the sunflower, the rosemary did not survive. Some plants I tried from seeds never grew. Alas, not everything flourished and some died in early stage. But hey, there is so much more that made the balcony look nicer. And again I am most thankful to my hubby who constantly takes care of the plants and moved them around to protect them either from the heat or from the rain and now prepared the room for putting them indoors for the winter.

If you reached by far, this is the end of my October Garden Journal for SteemIt Community Garden Journal Challenge - October, hosted by @simplymike. If you have a garden or just look after plants in your home, or you have farm and have not joined yet, check this post.

—Pngtree—small fresh green grass blue_261341.png

free vectors from pngtree.com
strawberry dividing line png from pngtree.com


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Street name created by @otage

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