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🌱to💰- Growing Money In Your Yard Series Returns! Calling All Homesteaders & Green-Thumbs!

The Steemit Exclusive Will Return!

I want to make the most of this Steemit-Exclusive and I need friends from the #gardening & #homestead communities to help make it happen!


I am calling for all content creators here on Steemit that share gardening and growing-related knowledge with the community to help me spread independence & financial freedom.


By showing people how to grow food to save money, eat better or even generate an income from the garden.



Specifically, I would love to team up with those of you offering tutorial-based content/media (posts, videos, etc) and incorporate your content into this series! When people read the series in the future, I want them to have an abundance of resources at their disposal. The internet is full of great content that I could just as easily compile, BUT... I want people reading this Steemit exclusive to see STEEMIT CONTENT.

The idea is to have people that stumble across this series in the future see other creators of relative content. The more we can gather, the greater the impact we can have and the more people we can help to take a major step toward independence. We can all take back our independence and control of our food supply. If this series helps a few people enhance the quality of their lives, then I have succeeded. Let's synergize and reach further than that. Most of you readers might already agree - the world needs this.


What Exactly Am I Asking YOU For?

It's pretty self-explanatory so far, but I am seeking:

• Relevant, Quality Content - Posts that are rich with media are best, but the ​descriptive and informative material is what I wish to link and feature. It should somehow tie into the "growing money in your yard" theme, obviously.

• Steemit Creators that wish to help branch this series - read through the series and get an idea of the many "open-ends" I left for others to drive it further into more niche specific directions. If you're up for that - let's chat!

• COMMUNITIES - Yes, that is ALL divisions, branches and offshoots of Steemit Gardening and Homesteading! I am calling upon YOU to help ME in bringing more people together and connecting as many of these communities together as we can. We are the roots of something great here and the more we can grow like 'companion plants' the better! Let's Harmonize!


Many of us that garden also enjoy sharing our knowledge with others that take interest in it. WHY NOT combine forces, rather than divide? Sharing what we love with those who share like interests is one of the most fulfilling and rewarding experiences. You get to see people prosper and grow in communities strengthened by unity. One common goal, many ways to achieve it. WHY NOT?

I started this series because I wish to help those who wish to help themselves.

I also love to remind many of you plant-savvy folks that if you do grow food: you are growing money, whether you know it or not. I want to share with you how simple it is when you have a plan. I am doing it and you can do it too!


But @grow-pro... You need a big farm and lots of land to make money growing food!

Nonsense! There is a misconception that you need a farm to make money growing food and if you have followed this series thus far, you know that is entirely FALSE! I have already shown that $15,000+ worth of culinary mushrooms can be grown annually, indoors, in a space less than 10ft x 10ft.

I know people living in urban city apartments that grow food in their apartment and on their balcony. So, it can be done just about anywhere. There are greenhouses in Alaska and there's even a handbook for heating a greenhouse in extremely​ cold conditions. So... Like my grandmother says "where there's a will to do it, there's a way.". If that isn't true - I don't know what is!!

There are many misconceptions about growing food and there are many reasons for that. One major reason is the food industry relies on your dependence upon them. There's billions of dollars at stake and they surely do not want more of us less dependent. You and I know is time to hit the RESET and regain our independence.

During the series, @jerrybanfield's post Why Grow Grass and Buy Food? #168 showed his yard and his thoughts on why we are growing grass and not food with our yard. Maybe he should have read this series. I am almost sure that if he knew how much money he could save AND make - he would not be growing that lawn. Growing food is by far more rewarding than growing grass, even when you remove the financial element. We all know this. But, what many of us apparently don't know is: it is not all that hard to grow your own food!

Seriously! If Jerry might have spotted this series, maybe he might have shared it - which might have helped far more people than I am able to reach. I worked very hard on the series parts that I have released and I am ever grateful for the #curie votes on two parts of the series thus far. That surely helped to spread this message and that makes me even happier that I decided to create this exclusively for this platform.

That leads me to why I firmly believe that I need to offer this initiative to the community of Steemit

I can only reach so many people as an individual. We, a community, can reach far more. Why not make this a liberating movement for the world, but let's also show the world what sort of power we have as a community. I truly hope that I have raised some thoughts and that you share them in the comments below or mention me in discord PAL/MSP or


🌱to💰- Growing Money In Your Yard Series - {Introduction & Synopsis}

🌱to💰• Growing Money In Your Yard Series • {pt1} • Learn the Laws, Plan & Prepare

🌱to💰• Growing Money In Your Yard Series • {pt2} • Grow What You Know & How to Find Profitable Opportunities

🌱to💰• Growing Money In Your Yard Series • {pt3} • In-Depth​ Look At How I Started & What You Need To Succeed!

This is only maybe half of the material I planned to cover and I would like your help in expanding this.

If you review this series, you will notice I have already featured fellow steemians in the series - I want to scale that up!

As new friends stumbled upon my post and shared that they too have content that pertains to how you can GROW MONEY IN YOUR YARD - I was editing my posts to incorporate their content! That sort of team effort is what drives great creations. I want to see more of it, so drop me a message below!


What readers can expect in the upcoming up in the future parts of this
🌱to💰- Growing Money In Your Yard Series:

• Setting up your business, covering costs, how I improvise, establishing a market, sustainability-renewability

• Strategy​, strategic partnerships, offsetting costs, time efficiency, creating demand, fail-safes & why you need them, + more

• Marketing: Pricing, advertising creatively, using media, social networks, selling your products - where to sell and how, +more

• Commercial Growing, scaling your operation, how it's different and what you need to know as a hobby gardener before going commercial, maximizing yields, resources for commercial growing, risk/reward, benefits to community, + more

• An Overview and reader questions - where I will try to support all that have followed along in beginning their own operation. I will be answering any questions and will help to network and provide resources that will aid in more people actually making money from reading this series. I am growing, grow with me!

• COMMUNITY IDEAS - I want others to create their own series sharing how people can grow money food and their piggy bank. The more of us that can offer the resources and encouragement for more people to take this step toward freedom, the better we will be as a human race. We were created to be free and it's time to act like it.