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The Natural Gardener - Austin, Texas (A Beautiful Nursery To Visit)

Today, Luke and I, along with his mom @findingjoy had to spend time in Austin, TX for a doctor's appointment. This appointment has been greatly anticipated since the doctor does not use any pharmaceuticals. The treatment is based on a genetic study, then uses all natural supplements to correct the problems. I don't know enough about this yet since I just learned about it all today, so more on that later.

However, on the way home we decided to check out The Natural Gardener Nursery in Austin, TX. It truly is a beautiful place to hang out, sit, walk, smell the flowers... It's not a big nursery, but it's easy to get lost in there :)

Here's Luke, Mamakirbs ( @findingjoy ) and I posing for a selfie!!

They had so many beautiful pots and pieces of art to chose from, and these were on sale!

The wind chimes were not only beautiful to look at, but also so wonderful to listen to. They had some that were very big hanging out in the gardens. I didn't get pictures of those.

I was mesmerized by the intricate network of drain pipes and cisterns to create their very large, gravity fed watering catchment system. Here's one tank on the corner of one of the buildings. It looked cool as a backdrop to these Texas Bluebonnet flowers!

The selection of potted flowers was stunning and mind boggling! They had everything that a Texas Gardener could ever dream of. I wish money was no object for me LOL I would have filled my pickup bed to the rim!

Here, I think Mamakirbs was trying to convince Luke that these flowers looked and smelled wonderful. Perhaps she was trying to get him to agree that she needed to buy these for the farm. He must have agreed because they did, in fact, come home with us :)

Well, even tho we do get tired of going to the doctor's appointments it's nice to get out in the sun to see some great places like this.

Have you ever visited this nursery?

Thank you for sharing this time with me!

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