DIY shadehouse hack - daily thoughts 003

So the chilli plants have been doing ok but I thought they could do with some more sunlight, how ever with our days lately hitting upwards of 38C or 100F we lost a few seedlings along the way. From here I got to thinking sure ill just go down to the local big box hardware shop and buy a shade house, so as I was looking through the store I noticed the only sell hot houses and greenhouses for helping plants survive the cold (seems kind of pointless considering we are in far north qld) I went with the alternative of buying a cheap greenhouse only for the frame, than I grabbed a roll of shade cloth and some cable ties. With the help of wifey we had it assembled and managed to cut, wrap and cable tie some shade cloth on it.


For now I've got around 30 seedlings in a tray on a shelf just to see if it helps them handle the hot sun tomorrow and then if all goes well it won't be long until I load it up with hundreds of seedlings ready to grow and be transplanted into their own pots! For $60 I think we did alright today. As always thanks for reading and let me know your thoughts below!


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