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Sorting Out The Allotment.

The end of the season is upon us, and most of my vegetables have started dying back, I have taken this as the perfect opportunity to start to make some changes in the allotment.

I have been meaning to move the big shed, but the other day I found out that it has an asbestos roof, and with that, I really don't want to be messing around with it.

But that doesn't mean that I can't make other changes to the land that I have.

One thing I do know is that I need somewhere raised, as the top of the plot has dead soil from the tree sucking the life out of it.

And the bottom of the plot is waterlogged, so I only really have the middle of the plot to do anything with.

If I added raised beds I could use more space as the raised beds would be filled with nutrient-rich soil and I could control what happens.

I started to take some of my crops out that are no longer producing fruits. I started with my tomatoes and they seemed to have finished a week or so back and have no more flowers on.

I decided that I wanted to keep these raised beds that the tomatoes were in so I moved them while I turned the soil over.

I moved the path at the back as that would give me more growing space, and added an extra planter.

Then I filled them up with horse manure and soil, my next plan of attack is to cover them with a fleece to keep them warm, so when the winter months come and go, Next spring it is just a case of taking the fleece off and planting.

I added some wood chip down as a pathway, this should help keep the weeds at bay, there is still loads of work to be done over the next few months to get this to somewhere I can grow on.

It is all coming together, and looking like a proper plot, someone walked past the plot earlier and asked how many years I had been at it, I told them that this was my first allotment and they told me how nice it looked, up to now.

Hope your all keeping well and until next time my friends, stay safe.