Exciting Times On The Plot.

Guys, Have you ever been so excited about the postman coming? yesterday I had a little parcel through the post, and I asked you all if you could guess what was in it.

@nikv had a guess and was so close with her answer of earthworms.

These are warms of a different kind this worms are known in the UK as Tiger worms, I have heard that people in America and overseas call them red wrigglers.

Composting worms that can eat their body weight in 24 hours, which means that if I add 1kg of worms to my compost they would eat 1kg in food a day, unbelievable right?

Today, I have made my self my very own worm bin, this bin is made of bedding for the worms and food, the worms will live in here making me a special kind of compost called worm castings.

Worm castings are the worms' poo, and it is also known as black gold, the castings are used around the garden mixed into compost and gives everything that it touches a better life, better roots and a better harvest.

I got to work by layering the bedding for the worms like a lasagna, I started with cardboard, then added manure, compost and wetting it down.







I added the food for the worms which I have only done a small amount as they are going to have to get used to their new home.
I have added today a tea bag, some cucumber, and some coffee.



I added the worms and covered them with some dry leaves taken from my garden, these are dry leaves and are from an area that there is no traffic.



Then after wetting down again I added cardboard to the top to keep the moisture in and this should be the right environment for them to live in, and I've placed them in the summerhouse so I can monitor them over the next few weeks before adding them to the shed.

The reason I was so excited about the worms is my little man, my son has a fascination for insects and crewing things, he was my little helper all the way through the prosses of setting up the bin.

Now the proof in the pudding will be in a few months, if the worms make me worm castings then I will be a very happy man.

Until next time my friends, stay safe.

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