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So I'm back to playing Starcraft 2 online, pretty much daily

I wrote a little while back about how some friends got together and had a LAN party not that long ago and the game of the night was Starcraft 2. When i was in that LAN party I quickly realized that my skills were not exactly on the level of the others in attendance. I was a slightly above average player and that hurt me a bit.

So I've been playing it pretty much every day (just for a bit, don't get excited) for the past week or so.


The cool thing about this is the fact that Bizzard have made the base Terran game and all online multiplayer play completely free of charge over the years. When these games were first released 9 years ago or so, they were $50 each and sold like hot cakes. These days though, they exist almost entirely off of microtransactions that do NOT benefit you at all in game.


I enjoy playing as Zerg and I'm not exactly sure why that is, it just is the case and after playing with my far superior friends at that LAN party, I have come to the realization that how well you perform right at the start pretty much determines how you are going to go the rest of the game. It is absolutely essential that you get moving quickly and develop as many resource gatherers as possible. There is a very real and systematic method to getting several bases and getting your economy moving as quickly as possible.


One of the greatest advantages of being Zerg (some would argue the only advantage - incorrectly) is their ability to create a massive amount of units very quickly early on in the game. The fact that each of these units are not particularly powerful doesn't really matter, because if you can produce 20 units, and your enemy can only produce 3, you are going to win.

In my experience (and I am by no means an expert) the build goes like this

  • build a drone first, then an overlord
  • build only drones until you reach the need for the second overlord
  • expand to a second base
  • build a spawning pool

the spawning pool isn't just a great time for your insect looking friends, it is also the only way to have offensive units

And that is how every match will carry out at the start. From that point forward there are thousands of possible ways that the game could go but even in the Blizzard global events, the person controlling the zerg forces will use something along these lines. It just seem universal.

You also have to ween yourself off the mouse and figure out how to use hotkeys more effectively. Some of these are really easy to remember but others can become immensely complicated when you are switching between bases with a rapid-fire type momentum.

What is your team? Do you Zerg? Do you ever play Starcraft 2? If you are interested in doing so there isn't really any reason not to seeing as how the base game (Terran) and full multiplayer capabilities come at the grand price of ZERO DOLLARS.

you can download it for free, here

And yes, this is 100% totally legal.