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Two Games That Can Make As Many Sequels As They Want

Sequels. They are awesome. They let us play more of a game that we love. And some games kept making them. A lot of them. And you know what we were okay with that. In fact we wanted more. There are some serious that could make game and game and no one gets tired of them. It is pretty crazy. But it has happened. Here are two examples.


It's a me Mario. There are too many mario games to count. And a lot of them are in the direct line of games. There are even three on the Nintendo alone. But you know what, each one is great. And so is Super Mario World for the SNES and Mario 64 and ever new Mario game that followed. It is because Nintendo always does quality with this series and I want to play the new one on the Switch if I get a chance.

Mega Man:

That's right, Mega Man. There are 6 on Nintendo. 10 in total (with 11 coming out). Then you have the X series. And I can't wait for part 10. It is hard to explain. The games do not change much, they are just more robot masters but each one is so much fun. They could make these for years to come and I would probably play them all.
