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Holybread - ROADMAP UPDATE Sept 2020

Good day players!

OMG! I last posted 9 days ago???
Where does the time go?

I want to just jump into this Roadmap so let's go!

I have been lacking on my Hive posts. For this I am sorry.
You can always reach me in the Holybread discord or the new Hive Gaming Telegram server. If you have any questions.

In all future conversations we are going to talk about Legacy code ( and BETA Code (Season 1) name for this to be reveled soon.

We have tried to produce new updates for this code base over and over.
It is not written to scale and we spend our 1st 2 months just stabilizing the code base.

When we went to add in the Barbarian and Bard it broke badly!
After spending over a week on this we went down the path of can we just build out a new code base around what we are trying to do.

This lead us to creating the Season system and the new BETA Code base.

Ever since we took over Holybread a lot of players who disagree with our changes or the costs says then just shut it down.

We have no plans on doing this.
Remember our goal was to build out a new code base and run along side the current

Arena Reward Bot
As we are a Free to Play game, the Arena Reward Bot continues to upvote active players.
It is just shy of 16K HP right now.

So much to do here.
We have improved the code so much from when we started the Closed Beta.
Thank you to all the Play Testers.

Here is our roadmap for the Beta Code

  1. Add final piece to Dungeon gameplay flow
  2. Go back and address the Arena - Quality of Life Improvements
  3. Work on a Tutorial system

We are hoping to move to a live Open Beta Test Soon