Switching gears with the artwork: new character cards

Last year I attempted to make cards with procedurally generated artwork. This both looked clunky and is very labour-intensive.

So today I switched gears, and instead decided to rely on AI generated art from websites such as neural.love and nightcafe.studio.

Using these sites I've generated new artwork for the existing 4 basic character cards, and I have added 4 more to complete all 8 basic character cards.

Because I'm saving huge amounts of time on art using this method, it will be much easier to make new cards, and to evolve the game rapidly. So stay tuned! :).

As a start, please find here the first 4 basic character cards redone. I will share the next 4 shortly :).


Nobles mainly have skills in debating, politics and wielding power, as indicated by the two crowns on the left. They are intended to have good connections, but are less effective in direct combat.


Warriors are explorers and have fighting skills obviously. They are more or less the opposite of nobles in terms of their profile.


Miners have ample resources, mining skills and strong stamina, but they are not as effective in combat and lack many connections.


Crafters have crafting skills and balanced attributes otherwise. They possess a shield that mitigates a first attack, and can use an action to repair their shield or that of another character.

Bonus card

And as a bonus, here is one new card I've made (description will come in the next post 😎).

Any thoughts on this change of this direction are much appreciated, as always :).

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